# Goal: To make latex tabular out of an R matrix # Setup a nice R object: m <- matrix(rnorm(8), nrow=2) rownames(m) <- c("Age", "Weight") colnames(m) <- c("Person1", "Person2", "Person3", "Person4") m # Translate it into a latex tabular: library(xtable) xtable(m, digits=rep(3,5)) # Production latex code that goes into a paper or a book -- print(xtable(m, caption="String", label="t:"), type="latex", file="blah.gen", table.placement="tp", latex.environments=c("center", "footnotesize")) # Now you do \input{blah.gen} in your latex file. # You're lazy, and want to use R to generate latex tables for you? data <- cbind( c(7,9,11,2), c(2,4,19,21) ) colnames(data) <- c("a","b") rownames(data) <- c("x","y","z","a") xtable(data) # or you could do data <- rbind( c(7,2), c(9,4), c(11,19), c(2,21) ) # and the rest goes through identically.