# ************************ ** A Simple Math Quiz ** ************************ 1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Integer Division 5. Exit ------------------------ Enter your choice: 1 Enter your answer 6 + 5 = 11 Correct. Enter your choice: 5 Exit the quiz. ------------------------ You answered 1 questions with 1 correct. Your score is 100.0%. Thank you. import random #https://gist.github.com/cwil323/9b1bfd25523f75d361879adfed550be2 def display_intro(): title = "** A Simple Math Quiz **" print("*" * len(title)) print(title) print("*" * len(title)) def display_menu(): menu_list = ["1. Addition", "2. Subtraction", "3. Multiplication", "4. Integer Division", "5. Exit"] print(menu_list[0]) print(menu_list[1]) print(menu_list[2]) print(menu_list[3]) print(menu_list[4]) def display_separator(): print("-" * 24) def get_user_input(): user_input = int(input("Enter your choice: ")) while user_input > 5 or user_input <= 0: print("Invalid menu option.") user_input = int(input("Please try again: ")) else: return user_input def get_user_solution(problem): print("Enter your answer") print(problem, end="") result = int(input(" = ")) return result def check_solution(user_solution, solution, count): if user_solution == solution: count = count + 1 print("Correct.") return count else: print("Incorrect.") return count def menu_option(index, count): number_one = random.randrange(1, 21) number_two = random.randrange(1, 21) if index is 1: problem = str(number_one) + " + " + str(number_two) solution = number_one + number_two user_solution = get_user_solution(problem) count = check_solution(user_solution, solution, count) return count elif index is 2: problem = str(number_one) + " - " + str(number_two) solution = number_one - number_two user_solution = get_user_solution(problem) count = check_solution(user_solution, solution, count) return count elif index is 3: problem = str(number_one) + " * " + str(number_two) solution = number_one * number_two user_solution = get_user_solution(problem) count = check_solution(user_solution, solution, count) return count else: problem = str(number_one) + " // " + str(number_two) solution = number_one // number_two user_solution = get_user_solution(problem) count = check_solution(user_solution, solution, count) return count def display_result(total, correct): if total > 0: result = correct / total percentage = round((result * 100), 2) if total == 0: percentage = 0 print("You answered", total, "questions with", correct, "correct.") print("Your score is ", percentage, "%. Thank you.", sep = "") def main(): display_intro() display_menu() display_separator() option = get_user_input() total = 0 correct = 0 while option != 5: total = total + 1 correct = menu_option(option, correct) option = get_user_input() print("Exit the quiz.") display_separator() display_result(total, correct) main()