#Determine if a string has a digit.! use strict; use warnings; $string = "hello there"; if ( $string =~ /[0-9]/ ) { print "'$string' has a digit.\n"; } else { print "'$string' has no digit.\n"; } $string = "this one has a 2"; if ( $string =~ /[0-9]/ ) { print "'$string' has a digit.\n"; } else { print "'$string' has no digit.\n"; } #Check for no digit! #!/usr/bin/perl -w foreach $patt (@ARGV) { # Check for no digit. if ($patt =~ /\D/) { print "\tFound non-digit in \"$patt\".\n"; } } #Check for digit! #!/usr/bin/perl -w foreach $patt (@ARGV) { # Check for digit. if ($patt =~ /\d/) { print "\tFound a digit in \"$patt\".\n"; } } #if ($text =~ /(\d+)/) {print "Here's the number of apples: $1.\n";}! $text = "I have 4 apples."; if ($text =~ /(\d+)/) {print "Here's the number of apples: $1.\n";} #if ($text =~ /\D/) {print "It's not a number.";}! $text = "Hello!"; if ($text =~ /\D/) {print "It's not a number.";} #if ($text =~ /^[+-]\d+\.\d*$/) {print "It's a number.";}! $text = "-3.1415"; if ($text =~ /^[+-]\d+\.\d*$/) {print "It's a number.";} #if ($text =~ /^\d+$/) {print "It's a number.";}! $text = "345"; if ($text =~ /^\d+$/) {print "It's a number.";} #A simple integer-validation program.! #!/usr/local/bin/perl print ("Enter a number:\n"); $number = ; chop ($number); if ($number =~ /^-?\d+$|^-?0[xX][\da-fa-F]+$/) { print ("$number is a legal integer.\n"); } else { print ("$number is not a legal integer.\n"); } # Get all numbers! #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; my $text = "3 A, 2 B, and 0 C"; $text =~ s/\b(\d+)\b/$1 > 0?$1 > 1?$1 > 2? "Several":"A pair of":"One":"No"/ge; print $text, "\n"; #Match the one or more alphanumerics.! $p = "This is a pattern test."; if ($p =~ /(\w)*/){ print "$1\n"; } if ($p =~ /(\w)+/){ print "$1\n"; } #Match numbers! #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; my $text = "One Two Three 456 Seven"; while ($text =~ /[0-9]+/g) { print " \$& = $& \n \$` = $` \n \$' = $' \n"; } #Matching Any Letter or Number! range [a-z] matches any lowercase letter range [A-Z] matches any uppercase letter /[A-Z][A-Z]/ matches any two uppercase letters. To match any uppercase letter, lowercase letter, or digit, use the following range: /[0-9a-zA-Z]/ #Match one or zero alphanumerics followed by a single space character! $p = "This is a pattern test."; if ($p =~ /(\w?\s)/){ print "$1\n"; } if ($p =~ /(\w\s)/){ print "$1\n"; }