Type in your username and password below.
Username: Password:
#!perl use CGI qw(:standard); $testUsername = param( "USERNAME" ); $testPassword = param( "PASSWORD" ); open ( FILE, "password.txt" ) || die "The database could not be opened"; while ( $line = ) { chomp $line; ( $username, $password ) = split( ",", $line ); if ( $testUsername eq $username ) { $userVerified = 1; if ( $testPassword eq $password ) { $passwordVerified = 1; last; } } } close( FILE ); print header; if ( $userVerified && $passwordVerified ) { accessGranted(); } elsif ( $userVerified && !$passwordVerified ) { wrongPassword(); } else { accessDenied(); } sub accessGranted { print "Thank You"; print "Permission has been granted, $username."; print "
Enjoy the site."; } sub wrongPassword { print "Access Denied"; print "You entered an invalid password.
"; print "Access has been denied."; } sub accessDenied { print "Access Denied"; print "You were denied access to this server."; } #File: password.txt #account1,password1 #account2,password2 #account3,password3