use strict; use warnings; use CGI qw( :standard ); use Fcntl qw( :flock ); my @vars = qw( REMOTE_ADDR REMOTE_PORT REQUEST_URI QUERY_STRING ); my @stuff = @ENV{ @vars }; my $info = join( " | ", @stuff ); open( FILE, "+>>log.txt" ) or die( "Could not open log.txt: $!" ); flock( FILE, LOCK_EX ) or die( "Could not get exclusive lock: $!" ); print( FILE "$info\n\n" ); flock( FILE, LOCK_UN ) or die( "Could not unlock file: $!" ); close( FILE ); if ( $stuff[3] ne "" ) { print( header( -Refresh=> '5; URL=' ) ); print( start_html( "log.txt" ) ); print( p( i( "You will now be redirected to our home page." ) ) ); } else { print( header() ); print( start_html( "log.txt" ) ); print( h1( "Please add a \"?\" and your name to the URL.\n" ) ); } print( end_html() );