Server Side form validation using regex statements package name; import java.util.regex.*; public class regexFunctions { private static int SUCCESS = 0; private static int FAILURE = 1; private static int MISSING_INFO = -1; public static String ALL_STRING_REGEX = "[\w]+"; public static String ALL_NUMBER_REGEX = "[0-9]+"; /** * Description: Validate the field input value against the regexString which was inputted. * If it is null, then a missing info return code is returned (-1). * //>Link to Javadoc * Return Type: int * @param regexString * @param strFieldInput * @return SUCESS = 0 or FAILURE = 1 or MISSING_INFO = -1 */ public static int testFieldValue (String regexString, String strFieldInput) { int retCode = FAILURE; if ((regexString != null) && (regexString.length() > 0) && (strFieldInput != null) && (strFieldInput.length() > 0)) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexString); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(strFieldInput); if (matcher.find()) { retCode = SUCCESS; } } else { retCode = MISSING_INFO; } return retCode; } /** * Description: This method takes in an inputted String value and tries to match it * against the regex pattern for Strings. If successful, then the method returns a 0, if the inputted * value is empty or null - then it returns a -1. Finally, if the pattern does not match at all it returns a 1. * File: * Return Type: int RetCode - 0=SUCCESS; -1=Missing Information; 1=Does not Match */ public static int checkForString(String inputtedValue) { int retCode = FAILURE; if ((inputtedValue != null) && (inputtedValue.length() > 0)) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(ALL_STRING_REGEX); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(inputtedValue); if (matcher.find()) { retCode = SUCCESS; } } return retCode; } /** * Description: This method takes in an inputted String value and tries to match it * against the regex pattern for all numbers. If successful, then the method returns a 0, if the inputted * value is empty or null - then it returns a -1. Finally, if the pattern does not match at all it returns a 1. * File: * Return Type: int RetCode - 0=SUCCESS; -1=Missing Information; 1=Does not Match */ public static int checkForNumber(String inputtedValue) { int retCode = FAILURE; if ((inputtedValue != null) && (inputtedValue.length() > 0)) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(ALL_NUMBER_REGEX); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(inputtedValue); if (matcher.find()) { retCode = SUCCESS; } } return retCode; }