/*This is a java program to perform uniform binary search technique. It uses a lookup table to update a single array index, rather than taking the midpoint of an upper and a lower bound on each iteration; therefore, it is optimized for architectures (such as Knuth’s MIX) on which a table look-up is generally faster than an addition and a shift, and many searches will be performed on the same array, or on several arrays of the same length.*/ //This is a java program to perform uniform binary search. import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; public class Uniform_Binary_Search { static int N = 10; static int[] sequence = new int[N]; static int[] delta = new int[42]; public static void sort() { int i, j, temp; for (i = 1; i < N; i++) { j = i; temp = sequence[i]; while (j > 0 && temp < sequence[j - 1]) { sequence[j] = sequence[j - 1]; j = j - 1; } sequence[j] = temp; } } public static void make_delta(int N) { System.out.println(); int power = 1; int i = 0; do { int half = power; power <<= 1; delta[i] = (N + half) / power; } while (delta[i++] != 0); } public static int unisearch(int key) { int i = delta[0] - 1; /* midpoint of array */ int d = 0; while (true) { if (key == sequence[i]) return i; else if (delta[d] == 0) return -1; else { if (key < sequence[i]) i -= delta[++d]; else i += delta[++d]; } } } public static void main(String args[]) { Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) sequence[i] = Math.abs(random.nextInt(100)); System.out.println("The sequence is :"); sort(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) System.out.print(sequence[i] + " "); //sort(); make_delta(N); System.out.println("Enter the element to be searched: "); Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); int key = sc.nextInt(); int p = unisearch(key); if (p > 0) System.out.println("Element found at position " + p); else System.out.println("Element doesn't exist"); sc.close(); } } /* The sequence is : 12 13 20 24 27 32 63 64 74 82 Enter the element to be searched: 24 Element found at position 3 The sequence is : 0 30 31 32 37 48 51 58 78 87 Enter the element to be searched: 98 Element doesn't exist