//This is a java program to search an element in a Binary Search Tree import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; class BSTNode { BSTNode left, right; int data; public BSTNode() { left = null; right = null; data = 0; } public BSTNode(int n) { left = null; right = null; data = n; } public void setLeft(BSTNode n) { left = n; } public void setRight(BSTNode n) { right = n; } public BSTNode getLeft() { return left; } public BSTNode getRight() { return right; } public void setData(int d) { data = d; } public int getData() { return data; } } class BSTree { private BSTNode root; public BSTree() { root = null; } public boolean isEmpty() { return root == null; } public void insert(int data) { root = insert(root, data); } private BSTNode insert(BSTNode node, int data) { if (node == null) node = new BSTNode(data); else { if (data <= node.getData()) node.left = insert(node.left, data); else node.right = insert(node.right, data); } return node; } public boolean search(int val) { return search(root, val); } private boolean search(BSTNode r, int val) { boolean found = false; while ((r != null) && !found) { int rval = r.getData(); if (val < rval) r = r.getLeft(); else if (val > rval) r = r.getRight(); else { found = true; break; } found = search(r, val); } return found; } public void inorder() { inorder(root); } private void inorder(BSTNode r) { if (r != null) { inorder(r.getLeft()); System.out.print(r.getData() + " "); inorder(r.getRight()); } } public void preorder() { preorder(root); } private void preorder(BSTNode r) { if (r != null) { System.out.print(r.getData() + " "); preorder(r.getLeft()); preorder(r.getRight()); } } public void postorder() { postorder(root); } private void postorder(BSTNode r) { if (r != null) { postorder(r.getLeft()); postorder(r.getRight()); System.out.print(r.getData() + " "); } } } public class Searching_Tree { public static void main(String[] args) { BSTree bst = new BSTree(); System.out.println("Binary Search Tree Deletion Test\n"); Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); Random rand = new Random(); int elements = 15; for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++) bst.insert(Math.abs(rand.nextInt(100))); System.out.println("Enter integer element to search"); System.out.println("Search result : " + bst.search(input.nextInt())); System.out.print("\nPost order : "); bst.postorder(); System.out.print("\nPre order : "); bst.preorder(); System.out.print("\nIn order : "); bst.inorder(); input.close(); } } /* Binary Search Tree Searching Test Enter integer element to search 15 Search result : true Post order : 0 10 5 24 15 38 4 63 55 72 67 79 97 80 49 Pre order : 49 4 0 38 15 5 10 24 80 79 67 55 63 72 97 In order : 0 4 5 10 15 24 38 49 55 63 67 72 79 80 97