/*This is a java program to implement Hungarian Algorithm for Bipartite Matching. The Hungarian method is a combinatorial optimization algorithm that solves the assignment problem in polynomial time and which anticipated later primal-dual methods.*/ import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Scanner; public class HungarianBipartiteMatching { private final double[][] costMatrix; private final int rows, cols, dim; private final double[] labelByWorker, labelByJob; private final int[] minSlackWorkerByJob; private final double[] minSlackValueByJob; private final int[] matchJobByWorker, matchWorkerByJob; private final int[] parentWorkerByCommittedJob; private final boolean[] committedWorkers; public HungarianBipartiteMatching(double[][] costMatrix) { this.dim = Math.max(costMatrix.length, costMatrix[0].length); this.rows = costMatrix.length; this.cols = costMatrix[0].length; this.costMatrix = new double[this.dim][this.dim]; for (int w = 0; w < this.dim; w++) { if (w < costMatrix.length) { if (costMatrix[w].length != this.cols) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Irregular cost matrix"); } this.costMatrix[w] = Arrays.copyOf(costMatrix[w], this.dim); } else { this.costMatrix[w] = new double[this.dim]; } } labelByWorker = new double[this.dim]; labelByJob = new double[this.dim]; minSlackWorkerByJob = new int[this.dim]; minSlackValueByJob = new double[this.dim]; committedWorkers = new boolean[this.dim]; parentWorkerByCommittedJob = new int[this.dim]; matchJobByWorker = new int[this.dim]; Arrays.fill(matchJobByWorker, -1); matchWorkerByJob = new int[this.dim]; Arrays.fill(matchWorkerByJob, -1); } protected void computeInitialFeasibleSolution() { for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { labelByJob[j] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } for (int w = 0; w < dim; w++) { for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { if (costMatrix[w][j] < labelByJob[j]) { labelByJob[j] = costMatrix[w][j]; } } } } public int[] execute() { /* * Heuristics to improve performance: Reduce rows and columns by their * smallest element, compute an initial non-zero dual feasible solution * and * create a greedy matching from workers to jobs of the cost matrix. */ reduce(); computeInitialFeasibleSolution(); greedyMatch(); int w = fetchUnmatchedWorker(); while (w < dim) { initializePhase(w); executePhase(); w = fetchUnmatchedWorker(); } int[] result = Arrays.copyOf(matchJobByWorker, rows); for (w = 0; w < result.length; w++) { if (result[w] >= cols) { result[w] = -1; } } return result; } protected void executePhase() { while (true) { int minSlackWorker = -1, minSlackJob = -1; double minSlackValue = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { if (parentWorkerByCommittedJob[j] == -1) { if (minSlackValueByJob[j] < minSlackValue) { minSlackValue = minSlackValueByJob[j]; minSlackWorker = minSlackWorkerByJob[j]; minSlackJob = j; } } } if (minSlackValue > 0) { updateLabeling(minSlackValue); } parentWorkerByCommittedJob[minSlackJob] = minSlackWorker; if (matchWorkerByJob[minSlackJob] == -1) { /* * An augmenting path has been found. */ int committedJob = minSlackJob; int parentWorker = parentWorkerByCommittedJob[committedJob]; while (true) { int temp = matchJobByWorker[parentWorker]; match(parentWorker, committedJob); committedJob = temp; if (committedJob == -1) { break; } parentWorker = parentWorkerByCommittedJob[committedJob]; } return; } else { /* * Update slack values since we increased the size of the * committed * workers set. */ int worker = matchWorkerByJob[minSlackJob]; committedWorkers[worker] = true; for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { if (parentWorkerByCommittedJob[j] == -1) { double slack = costMatrix[worker][j] - labelByWorker[worker] - labelByJob[j]; if (minSlackValueByJob[j] > slack) { minSlackValueByJob[j] = slack; minSlackWorkerByJob[j] = worker; } } } } } } protected int fetchUnmatchedWorker() { int w; for (w = 0; w < dim; w++) { if (matchJobByWorker[w] == -1) { break; } } return w; } protected void greedyMatch() { for (int w = 0; w < dim; w++) { for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { if (matchJobByWorker[w] == -1 && matchWorkerByJob[j] == -1 && costMatrix[w][j] - labelByWorker[w] - labelByJob[j] == 0) { match(w, j); } } } } protected void initializePhase(int w) { Arrays.fill(committedWorkers, false); Arrays.fill(parentWorkerByCommittedJob, -1); committedWorkers[w] = true; for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { minSlackValueByJob[j] = costMatrix[w][j] - labelByWorker[w] - labelByJob[j]; minSlackWorkerByJob[j] = w; } } protected void match(int w, int j) { matchJobByWorker[w] = j; matchWorkerByJob[j] = w; } protected void reduce() { for (int w = 0; w < dim; w++) { double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { if (costMatrix[w][j] < min) { min = costMatrix[w][j]; } } for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { costMatrix[w][j] -= min; } } double[] min = new double[dim]; for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { min[j] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } for (int w = 0; w < dim; w++) { for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { if (costMatrix[w][j] < min[j]) { min[j] = costMatrix[w][j]; } } } for (int w = 0; w < dim; w++) { for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { costMatrix[w][j] -= min[j]; } } } protected void updateLabeling(double slack) { for (int w = 0; w < dim; w++) { if (committedWorkers[w]) { labelByWorker[w] += slack; } } for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { if (parentWorkerByCommittedJob[j] != -1) { labelByJob[j] -= slack; } else { minSlackValueByJob[j] -= slack; } } } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter the dimentsions of the cost matrix: "); System.out.println("r:"); int r = sc.nextInt(); System.out.println("c:"); int c = sc.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter the cost matrix: "); double[][] cost = new double[r][c]; for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < c; j++) { cost[i][j] = sc.nextDouble(); } } HungarianBipartiteMatching hbm = new HungarianBipartiteMatching(cost); int[] result = hbm.execute(); System.out.println("Bipartite Matching: " + Arrays.toString(result)); sc.close(); } } /* Enter the dimentsions of the cost matrix: r: 4 c: 4 Enter the cost matrix: 82 83 69 92 77 37 49 92 11 69 5 86 8 9 98 23 Bipartite Matching: [2, 1, 0, 3] //worker 1 should perform job 3, worker 2 should perform job 2 and so on...