/*This Java program is to find the number of spanning trees in a Complete Bipartite graph. This can be calculated using the matrix tree theorem or Cayley’s formula.*/ import java.util.Scanner; public class NumOfSpanningBipartite { private int firstSetSize; private int secondSetSize; public int numberOfSpanningTree(int firstSetSize, int secondSetSize) { this.firstSetSize = firstSetSize; this.secondSetSize = secondSetSize; return (this.firstSetSize^(this.secondSetSize - 1)) *(this.secondSetSize ^ (this.firstSetSize -1)); } public static void main(String...arg) { int m, n; Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("enter the size of the bipartite graph (m and n)"); m = scanner.nextInt(); n = scanner.nextInt(); NumOfSpanningBipartite bipartite = new NumOfSpanningBipartite(); System.out.println(" the number of spanning trees are " + bipartite.numberOfSpanningTree(m, n)); scanner.close(); } } /* enter the size of the bipartite graph (m and n) 2 2 the number of spanning trees are 9