/*This Java program is to Implement Sparse array. In computer science, a sparse array is an array in which most of the elements have the same value (known as the default value—usually 0 or null). The occurrence of zero elements in a large array is inefficient for both computation and storage. An array in which there is a large number of zero elements is referred to as being sparse.*/ class List { private int index; private Object value; private List nextindex; public List(int index) { this.index = index; nextindex = null; value = null; } public List() { index = -1; value = null; nextindex = null; } public void store(int index, Object value) { List current = this; List previous = null; List node = new List(index); node.value = value; while (current != null && current.index < index) { previous = current; current = current.nextindex; } if (current == null) { previous.nextindex = node; } else { if (current.index == index) { System.out.println("DUPLICATE INDEX"); return; } previous.nextindex = node; node.nextindex = current; } return; } public Object fetch(int index) { List current = this; Object value = null; while (current != null && current.index != index) { current = current.nextindex; } if (current != null) { value = current.value; } else { value = null; } return value; } public int elementCount() { int elementCount = 0; for (List current = this.nextindex; (current != null); current = current.nextindex) { elementCount++; } return elementCount; } } public class SparseArray { private List start; private int index; SparseArray(int index) { start = new List(); this.index = index; } public void store(int index, Object value) { if (index >= 0 && index < this.index) { if (value != null) start.store(index, value); } else { System.out.println("INDEX OUT OF BOUNDS"); } } public Object fetch(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < this.index) return start.fetch(index); else { System.out.println("INDEX OUT OF BOUNDS"); return null; } } public int elementCount() { return start.elementCount(); } public static void main(String... arg) { Integer[] iarray = new Integer[5]; iarray[0] = 1; iarray[1] = null; iarray[2] = 2; iarray[3] = null; iarray[4] = null; SparseArray sparseArray = new SparseArray(5); for (int i = 0; i < iarray.length; i++) { sparseArray.store(i, iarray[i]); } System.out.println("NORMAL ARRAY"); for (int i = 0 ; i < iarray.length; i++) { System.out.print(iarray[i] + "\t"); } System.out.println("\nSPARSE ARRAY"); for (int i = 0; i < iarray.length; i++) { if (sparseArray.fetch(i) != null) System.out.print(sparseArray.fetch(i) + "\t"); } System.out.println("The Size of Sparse Array is " + sparseArray.elementCount()); } } /* NORMAL ARRAY 1 null 2 null null SPARSE ARRAY 1 2 The Size of Sparse Array 2