/*This Java program is to implement max heap. A Heap data structure is a Tree based data structure that satisfies the HEAP Property “If A is a parent node of B then key(A) is ordered with respect to key(B) with the same ordering applying across the heap.” So in a Min Heap this property will be “If A is a parent node of B then key(A) is less than key(B) with the same ordering applying across the heap.” and in a max heap the key(A) will be greater than Key(B).*/ public class MaxHeap { private int[] Heap; private int size; private int maxsize; private static final int FRONT = 1; public MaxHeap(int maxsize) { this.maxsize = maxsize; this.size = 0; Heap = new int[this.maxsize + 1]; Heap[0] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } private int parent(int pos) { return pos / 2; } private int leftChild(int pos) { return (2 * pos); } private int rightChild(int pos) { return (2 * pos) + 1; } private boolean isLeaf(int pos) { if (pos >= (size / 2) && pos <= size) { return true; } return false; } private void swap(int fpos,int spos) { int tmp; tmp = Heap[fpos]; Heap[fpos] = Heap[spos]; Heap[spos] = tmp; } private void maxHeapify(int pos) { if (!isLeaf(pos)) { if ( Heap[pos] < Heap[leftChild(pos)] || Heap[pos] < Heap[rightChild(pos)]) { if (Heap[leftChild(pos)] > Heap[rightChild(pos)]) { swap(pos, leftChild(pos)); maxHeapify(leftChild(pos)); } else { swap(pos, rightChild(pos)); maxHeapify(rightChild(pos)); } } } } public void insert(int element) { Heap[++size] = element; int current = size; while(Heap[current] > Heap[parent(current)]) { swap(current,parent(current)); current = parent(current); } } public void print() { for (int i = 1; i <= size / 2; i++ ) { System.out.print(" PARENT : " + Heap[i] + " LEFT CHILD : " + Heap[2*i] + " RIGHT CHILD :" + Heap[2 * i + 1]); System.out.println(); } } public void maxHeap() { for (int pos = (size / 2); pos >= 1; pos--) { maxHeapify(pos); } } public int remove() { int popped = Heap[FRONT]; Heap[FRONT] = Heap[size--]; maxHeapify(FRONT); return popped; } public static void main(String...arg) { System.out.println("The Max Heap is "); MaxHeap maxHeap = new MaxHeap(15); maxHeap.insert(5); maxHeap.insert(3); maxHeap.insert(17); maxHeap.insert(10); maxHeap.insert(84); maxHeap.insert(19); maxHeap.insert(6); maxHeap.insert(22); maxHeap.insert(9); maxHeap.maxHeap(); maxHeap.print(); System.out.println("The max val is " + maxHeap.remove()); } } /* The Max Heap is PARENT : 84 LEFT CHILD : 22 RIGHT CHILD :19 PARENT : 22 LEFT CHILD : 17 RIGHT CHILD :10 PARENT : 19 LEFT CHILD : 5 RIGHT CHILD :6 PARENT : 17 LEFT CHILD : 3 RIGHT CHILD :9 The max val is 84