/*This is a Java Program to implement hash tables with Double Hashing. A hash table (also hash map) is a data structure used to implement an associative array, a structure that can map keys to values. A hash table uses a hash function to compute an index into an array of buckets or slots, from which the correct value can be found. Double Hashing is a probe sequence in which the interval between probes is computed by another hash function.*/ /* * Java program to implement hash table with double hashing */ import java.util.Scanner; import java.math.*; /* Class LinkedHashEntry */ class HashEntry { String key; int value; /* Constructor */ HashEntry(String key, int value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } } /* Class HashTable */ class HashTable { private int TABLE_SIZE; private int size; private HashEntry[] table; private int primeSize; /* Constructor */ public HashTable(int ts) { size = 0; TABLE_SIZE = ts; table = new HashEntry[TABLE_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++) table[i] = null; primeSize = getPrime(); } /* Function to get prime number less than table size for myhash2 function */ public int getPrime() { for (int i = TABLE_SIZE - 1; i >= 1; i--) { int fact = 0; for (int j = 2; j <= (int) Math.sqrt(i); j++) if (i % j == 0) fact++; if (fact == 0) return i; } /* Return a prime number */ return 3; } /* Function to get number of key-value pairs */ public int getSize() { return size; } public boolean isEmpty() { return size == 0; } /* Function to clear hash table */ public void makeEmpty() { size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++) table[i] = null; } /* Function to get value of a key */ public int get(String key) { int hash1 = myhash1( key ); int hash2 = myhash2( key ); while (table[hash1] != null && !table[hash1].key.equals(key)) { hash1 += hash2; hash1 %= TABLE_SIZE; } return table[hash1].value; } /* Function to insert a key value pair */ public void insert(String key, int value) { if (size == TABLE_SIZE) { System.out.println("Table full"); return; } int hash1 = myhash1( key ); int hash2 = myhash2( key ); while (table[hash1] != null) { hash1 += hash2; hash1 %= TABLE_SIZE; } table[hash1] = new HashEntry(key, value); size++; } /* Function to remove a key */ public void remove(String key) { int hash1 = myhash1( key ); int hash2 = myhash2( key ); while (table[hash1] != null && !table[hash1].key.equals(key)) { hash1 += hash2; hash1 %= TABLE_SIZE; } table[hash1] = null; size--; } /* Function myhash which gives a hash value for a given string */ private int myhash1(String x ) { int hashVal = x.hashCode( ); hashVal %= TABLE_SIZE; if (hashVal < 0) hashVal += TABLE_SIZE; return hashVal; } /* Function myhash function for double hashing */ private int myhash2(String x ) { int hashVal = x.hashCode( ); hashVal %= TABLE_SIZE; if (hashVal < 0) hashVal += TABLE_SIZE; return primeSize - hashVal % primeSize; } /* Function to print hash table */ public void printHashTable() { System.out.println("\nHash Table"); for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++) if (table[i] != null) System.out.println(table[i].key +" "+table[i].value); } } /* Class DoubleHashingHashTableTest */ public class DoubleHashingHashTableTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Hash Table Test\n\n"); System.out.println("Enter size"); /* Make object of HashTable */ HashTable ht = new HashTable(scan.nextInt() ); char ch; /* Perform HashTable operations */ do { System.out.println("\nHash Table Operations\n"); System.out.println("1. insert "); System.out.println("2. remove"); System.out.println("3. get"); System.out.println("4. check empty"); System.out.println("5. clear"); System.out.println("6. size"); int choice = scan.nextInt(); switch (choice) { case 1 : System.out.println("Enter key and value"); ht.insert(scan.next(), scan.nextInt() ); break; case 2 : System.out.println("Enter key"); ht.remove( scan.next() ); break; case 3 : System.out.println("Enter key"); System.out.println("Value = "+ ht.get( scan.next() )); break; case 4 : System.out.println("Empty Status " +ht.isEmpty()); break; case 5 : ht.makeEmpty(); System.out.println("Hash Table Cleared\n"); break; case 6 : System.out.println("Size = "+ ht.getSize() ); break; default : System.out.println("Wrong Entry \n "); break; } /* Display hash table */ ht.printHashTable(); System.out.println("\nDo you want to continue (Type y or n) \n"); ch = scan.next().charAt(0); } while (ch == 'Y'|| ch == 'y'); } } /* Enter size 100 Hash Table Operations 1. insert 2. remove 3. get 4. check empty 5. clear 6. size 1 Enter key and value prime 97 Hash Table prime 97 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Hash Table Operations 1. insert 2. remove 3. get 4. check empty 5. clear 6. size 1 Enter key and value even 24 Hash Table prime 97 even 24 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Hash Table Operations 1. insert 2. remove 3. get 4. check empty 5. clear 6. size 1 Enter key and value odd 63 Hash Table prime 97 even 24 odd 63 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Hash Table Operations 1. insert 2. remove 3. get 4. check empty 5. clear 6. size 1 Enter key and value composite 6 Hash Table prime 97 even 24 odd 63 composite 6 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Hash Table Operations 1. insert 2. remove 3. get 4. check empty 5. clear 6. size 1 Enter key and value armstrong 153 Hash Table prime 97 even 24 odd 63 armstrong 153 composite 6 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Hash Table Operations 1. insert 2. remove 3. get 4. check empty 5. clear 6. size 3 Enter key prime Value = 97 Hash Table prime 97 even 24 odd 63 armstrong 153 composite 6 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Hash Table Operations 1. insert 2. remove 3. get 4. check empty 5. clear 6. size 3 Enter key even Value = 24 Hash Table prime 97 even 24 odd 63 armstrong 153 composite 6 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Hash Table Operations 1. insert 2. remove 3. get 4. check empty 5. clear 6. size 2 Enter key composite Hash Table prime 97 even 24 odd 63 armstrong 153 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Hash Table Operations 1. insert 2. remove 3. get 4. check empty 5. clear 6. size 6 Size = 4 Hash Table prime 97 even 24 odd 63 armstrong 153 Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Hash Table Operations 1. insert 2. remove 3. get 4. check empty 5. clear 6. size 5 Hash Table Cleared Hash Table Do you want to continue (Type y or n) y Hash Table Operations 1. insert 2. remove 3. get 4. check empty 5. clear 6. size 4 Empty Status true Hash Table Do you want to continue (Type y or n) n