Type casting or conversion of data types import java.text.*; public class CastingsORConversions { public static void main(String a[]) { String str = "java"; int i = 10; //byte byteInt; //String to Bytes byte[] str_bytes = str.getBytes(); //Bytes to String String bytes_str = new String(str_bytes); //int to Bytes byte int_bytes = (byte)i; //Bytes to int int bytes_int1 = int_bytes; //int to String String int_str = String.valueOf(i); //String to int int str_int1 = Integer.parseInt(str); //String to Float String str_flt1 = "3.14159"; Float str_flt2 = Float.valueOf(str_flt1); //int to float int int1_float1 = 10; Integer int_one = new Integer(int1_float1); float int2_float2 = int_one.floatValue(); //int to double int int_dble = 10; double int1_dble = (double)int_dble; //int to double for wrapper classes Integer int2_dble = new Integer(10); Double int3_dble = new Double(int2_dble.doubleValue()); //int to char char int1_char = (char)65; //double to string double dble_str1 = 10.10; String dble_str2 = Double.toString(dble_str1); //double to string with only 2 decimals after the dot double dble_str3 = 10.0; DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat( "0.00;-0.00" ); String stringVal = fmt.format( dble_str3 ); //double to int 1st method double dble_int1 = 10.309414484580145; int dble_int2 = (int)dble_int1; //Double to int 2st method //if dble_int3 is an instance of Double, use intValue(); Double dble_int3 = new Double(10.309414484580145); int dble_int4 = (int)(dble_int3).intValue(); //Double to Integer Double dble_Int1 = new Double(2.0); Integer dble_Int2 = new Integer(dble_Int1.intValue()); //double to float float dble_flt = (float)2.70; //Float to float Float flt_flt1 = new Float(2.31); float flt_flt2 = flt_flt1.floatValue(); //Float to String Float flt_str1 = new Float(123456789f); System.out.println(new DecimalFormat("0").format(flt_str1)); //flotat to int float flt_int1 = 30.0F; int flt_int2 = (int)flt_int1; //float to Float float flt_Flt1 = 3.456789012f; Float flt_Flt2 = new Float(flt_Flt1); float flt_Flt3 = flt_Flt2.floatValue();// convert back to float and check value //float to double float f = 3.12f; double d = (float)f; } }