/* * C Program to Find the Largest & Smallest Word in a String */ #include #include #include int main() { char string[100], word[20], max[20], min[20], c; int i = 0, j = 0, flag = 0; printf("Enter string: "); i = 0; do { fflush(stdin); c = getchar(); string[i++] = c; } while (c != ' '); string[i - 1] = ''; for (i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++) { while (i < strlen(string) && !isspace(string[i]) && isalnum(string[i])) { word[j++] = string[i++]; } if (j != 0) { word[j] = ''; if (!flag) { flag = !flag; strcpy(max, word); strcpy(min, word); } if (strlen(word) > strlen(max)) { strcpy(max, word); } if (strlen(word) < strlen(min)) { strcpy(min, word); } j = 0; } } printf("The largest word is '%s' and smallest word is '%s' in '%s'. ", max, min, string); return 0; } Enter string: amazing programmers exists here The largest word is 'programmers' and smallest word is 'here' in 'amazing programmers exists here'.