using System; public class Exercise7 { public static void Main() { string str; int alp, digit, splch, i,l; alp = digit = splch = i = 0; Console.Write("\n\nCount total number of alphabets, digits and special characters :\n"); Console.Write("--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); Console.Write("Input the string : "); str = Console.ReadLine(); l=str.Length; /* Checks each character of string*/ while(i='a' && str[i]<='z') || (str[i]>='A' && str[i]<='Z')) { alp++; } else if(str[i]>='0' && str[i]<='9') { digit++; } else { splch++; } i++; } Console.Write("Number of Alphabets in the string is : {0}\n", alp); Console.Write("Number of Digits in the string is : {0}\n", digit); Console.Write("Number of Special characters in the string is : {0}\n\n", splch); } }