/* * C# Program to Calculate Perimeter of Circle and Rectangle */ using System; using System.IO; class program { public static void Main() { double l,b,r,per_rect,per_cir; double PI = 3.14; Console.WriteLine("Enter the Length and Breadth : "); l = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); b = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); per_rect = 2 * (l + b); Console.WriteLine("Enter the radius of the circle : "); r = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); per_cir = 2 * PI * r; Console.WriteLine("Perimeter of Rectangle : {0}", per_rect); Console.WriteLine("Perimeter of Circle : {0}", per_cir); Console.Read(); } } /* Enter the Length and Breadth : 3 2 Enter the radius of the circle : 4 Perimeter of Rectangle : 10 Perimeter of Circle : 25.12