using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; class LinqExercise11 { static void Main(string[] args) { List templist = new List(); templist.Add(5); templist.Add(7); templist.Add(13); templist.Add(24); templist.Add(6); templist.Add(9); templist.Add(8); templist.Add(7); Console.Write("\nLINQ : Display top nth records from the list : "); Console.Write("\n----------------------------------------------\n"); Console.WriteLine("\nThe members of the list are : "); foreach (var lstnum in templist) { Console.WriteLine(lstnum+" "); } Console.Write("How many records you want to display ? : "); int n= Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); templist.Sort(); templist.Reverse(); Console.Write("The top {0} records from the list are : \n",n); foreach (int topn in templist.Take(n)) { Console.WriteLine(topn); } } }