/* * C# Program to Perform File Comparison */ using System; using System.Threading; using System.IO; class Reader { string fileName; public string data; public Reader(string fn) { fileName = fn; } public void Read() { FileStream s = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open); StreamReader r = new StreamReader(s); data = r.ReadToEnd(); r.Close(); s.Close(); } } class ThreadSample { static void Main(string[] arg) { if (arg.Length == 2) { Reader a = new Reader(arg[0]); Reader b = new Reader(arg[1]); Thread ta = new Thread(new ThreadStart(a.Read)); Thread tb = new Thread(new ThreadStart(b.Read)); ta.Start(); tb.Start(); ta.Join(); tb.Join(); if (a.data.Length == b.data.Length) { int i = 0; while (i < a.data.Length && a.data[i] == b.data[i]) i++; if (i == a.data.Length) Console.WriteLine("Files {0} and {1} are equal", arg[0], arg[1]); else Console.WriteLine("Files {0} and {1} are not equal", arg[0], arg[1]); } else { Console.WriteLine("Files {0} and {1} are not equal", arg[0], arg[1]); } } else { Console.WriteLine("-- enter two file names"); } Console.ReadLine(); } } /* D:\Desktop\c#\program codes>pgno382.exe d:\\sri\\File1.txt d:\\sri\\File1.txt Files d:\\sri\\File1.txt and d:\\sri\\File1.txt are equal