This virtual calender shows current month and user can navigate through previous or next month / year using arrow keys Code : #include "conio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "dos.h" #include "string.h" #include "stdio.h" void draw(int, int); //DRAWS BOX WITH MONTH & YEAR IN HEADER void show_time(); //DISPLAYS CURRENT TIME IN FOOTER OF BOX void print_cal( int, int); //PRINTS DATES WITHIN BOX int getkey(); //SCANS USER KEY AND RETUEN ITS SCAN CODE int first_day( int, int ); //DETEMINES FIRST DAY OF MONTH int today; void main() { int year, month; char ch; struct date d; getdate(&d); //RETURNS CURRENT DATE year = d.da_year; month = d.da_mon - 1; today = d.da_day - 1; //GET CURRENT DATE print_cal(year, month); //PRINTS CALENDER OF CURRENT MONTH flushall(); while((ch = getkey()) != 1) //KEEP TRACK OF KEYS UNTILL 'ESC' PRESSED { switch(ch) { case 72: year++; //UP ARROW KEY break; case 80: year--; //DOWN ARROW KEY break; case 77: month++; //RIGHT ARROW KEY if(month > 11) { month = 0; year++; } break; case 75: month--; //LEFT ARROW KEY if(month < 0) { month = 11; year--; } break; } print_cal(year, month); //PRINTS CALENDER OF CHANGED MONTH OR YEAR } } void show_time() { struct time t; while(!kbhit()) { textcolor(YELLOW); gettime(&t); //GET CURRENT TIME gotoxy(22,2); if(t.ti_hour < 13) printf(" CURRENT TIME => %2d:%02d:%02d AM",t.ti_hour, t.ti_min, t.ti_sec); else { t.ti_hour -= 12; printf(" CURRENT TIME => %2d:%02d:%02d PM",t.ti_hour, t.ti_min, t.ti_sec); } delay(1000); } } int first_day(int year, int month) //DETEMINES FIRST DAY OF MONTH { int mdays[] = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334}; int lpyear = ((year-1900)/4) + ((year-1900)/400) - ((year-1900)/100); long unsigned days = ((year-1900)*365) + lpyear + mdays[month]; return days % 7; } int getkey() //SCANS USER KEY AND RETURN ITS SCAN CODE { union REGS i,o; while(!kbhit()) ; i.h.ah = 0; int86(22,&i,&o); return(o.h.ah); } void draw(int year, int month) //DRAWS BOX WITH MONTH & YEAR IN HEADER { char *mo[] = { "January", "Feburary", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; char *day[] = { "SUN", "MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SAT"}; int i, j; int ro = 205, co = 186; //GARPH CHAR 205 '�', 186 '�' clrscr(); gotoxy(16, 8); printf("USE ARROW KEYS TO NAVIGATE AND ESC KEY TO CLOSE"); for( i = 16; i <= 65; i++) { gotoxy(i,10); printf ("%c",ro); gotoxy(i,14); printf ("%c",ro); gotoxy(i,36); printf ("%c",ro); gotoxy(i,40); printf ("%c",ro); } for(i = 11; i <= 39; i++) { gotoxy(15,i); printf ("%c",co); gotoxy(66,i); printf ("%c",co); } gotoxy(15,10); printf("%c",201); //GARPH CHAR 201 '�' gotoxy(66,10); printf("%c",187); //GARPH CHAR 187 '�' gotoxy(15,40); printf("%c",200); //GARPH CHAR 200 '�' gotoxy(66,40); printf("%c",188); //GARPH CHAR 188 '�' gotoxy(15,14); printf("%c",204); //GARPH CHAR 204 '�' gotoxy(66,14); printf("%c",185); //GARPH CHAR 185 '�' gotoxy(15,36); printf("%c",204); //GARPH CHAR 204 '�' gotoxy(66,36); printf("%c",185); //GARPH CHAR 185 '�' textcolor(YELLOW + BLINK); int hed_sp = 16 +((49 - (strlen(mo[month]) + 5))/2); //ALLIGN HEADER TO CENTER gotoxy(hed_sp,12); cprintf("%s %d",mo[month],year); window(16,15,65,35); clrscr(); for(i=1, j = 0; i<49; i+=7,j++) //PRINT DAY NAMES { if(i < 7) textcolor(RED); // FOR SUNDAY else textcolor(YELLOW); //OTHER THAN SUNDAY gotoxy(i,3); cprintf("%5s",day[j]); } } void print_cal(int year, int month) { int i, j, start, count, limit; textmode(64); start = first_day(year, month); count = 0, limit = 31; draw(year, month); if( month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 8 || month == 10 ) limit = 30; //FOR APRIL, JUNE, SEPT, NOV if(month == 1 ) //FOR FEB limit = (year% 4==0 && year%100 != 0 || year%400==0)? 29: 28; for(j=7; j< 20; j+=3) //ROW COUNTER { for(i=1; i<49; i+=7) //COLUMN COUNTER { if(i < 7) textcolor(RED); //DATES ON SUNDAY else textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy(i,j); if(start) start--; //EMPTY SPACES TILL NUMBERING STARTS else { if(count == today) //HILIGHT CURRENT DATE { textcolor(BLUE); textbackground(YELLOW); } else { textcolor(YELLOW); textbackground(BLACK); } cprintf("%4d",count+1); //PRINT DATE count++; } if(count >= limit) break; } } if(count <= 30 && count < limit) //FOR PRINTING IN FIRST ROW IF ALL ROWS EXUASTED { for(i=1; i<49; i+=7) { if(i < 7) textcolor(RED); else textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy(i,7); if(count == today) { textcolor(BLUE); textbackground(YELLOW); } else { textcolor(YELLOW); textbackground(BLACK); } cprintf("%4d",count+1); count++; if(count >= limit) break; } } window(16,37,65,39); //SETS WINDOW TO BOTTOM OF BOX show_time(); //SHOWS TIME }