Office management It is a simple project made in c++,it has not got ny type of graphics as simple as stick so plz try and use the software in ur office frontier to ad or modify or delete the employyers details try once.......... give me ur reply on my email #include #include #include #include #include int count =0; class emp { char name[40]; char jobdeg[40],phno[20]; float salary,srno; public: void getdata(void); void display(void); void mod_data(); }; void emp::getdata(void) { char ch; cin.get(ch); clrscr(); gotoxy(15,10); cout<<"Add student data "; gotoxy(17,12); cout<<"Record #"<<(++count)<>srno; cout<<" Enter Name"; gets(name); cout<<" Enter Job designation";gets(jobdeg); cout<<" Enter Phone number";gets(phno); cout<<" Enter the Salary";cin>>salary; cout<<" "; } void emp::display(void) { clrscr(); gotoxy(15,10); cout<<"Student Details "; gotoxy(1,12); cout<<" Sr. NO "<>sr; cout<<" Name";gets(nm); cout<<" Job designation ";gets(jd); cout<<" Salary";cin>>sal; cout<<" Phone number";gets(ph); if(strlen(nm)!=0)strcpy(name,nm); if(strlen(jd)!=0)strcpy(jobdeg,jd); if(strlen(ph)!=0)strcpy(phno,ph); if(sal>salary||salsrno||sr15;c=c-2) { delay(100); gotoxy(c,20); cout<<"*"; } for(r=12;r<21;r++) { delay(100); gotoxy(55,r); cout<<"*"; } for(r=12;r>4;r=r-1) { delay(100); gotoxy(15,r); cout<<"*"; } for(r=8;r<=8;r++) { delay(10); gotoxy(25,r); cout<<"*"; } for(r=8;r<=8;r++) { delay(10); gotoxy(45,r); cout<<"*"; } for(r=16;r<=16;r++) { delay(10); gotoxy(25,r); cout<<"*"; } for(r=16;r<=16;r++) { delay(10); gotoxy(45,r); cout<<"*"; } delay(1400); clrscr(); /* OFFICE MANAGEMENT */ delay(300); cout<<" O "; delay(300); cout<<"F "; delay(300); cout<<"F "; delay(300); cout<<"I "; delay(300); cout<<"C "; delay(300); cout<<"E "; delay(300); cout<<" M "; delay(300); cout<<"A "; delay(300); cout<<"N "; delay(300); cout<<"A "; delay(300); cout<<"G"; delay(300); cout<<" E"; delay(300); cout<<" M"; delay(300); cout<<" E"; delay(300); cout<<" N"; delay(300); cout<<" T "; delay(300); cout<<" ****** "; delay(300); cout<<" ... "; delay(1400); cout<<"a PRESS ANY KEY ........ "; for(c=1;c<80;c++) { delay(10); gotoxy(c,1); cout<<"&"; } for(r=1;r<26;r++) { delay(10); gotoxy(1,r); cout<<"&&"; } for(c=26;c<102;c++) { delay(10); gotoxy(c,26); cout<<"&"; } for(r=1;r<26;r++) { delay(10); gotoxy(78,r); cout<<"&&"; } getch(); } clrscr(); textcolor(CYAN); cout<<" Main menu"; cout<<" ______________"; cout<<" 1.Add record"; cout<<" 2.Modify record"; cout<<" 3.Display record"; cout<<" 4.Exit....... "; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1:empl.getdata(); merc=count; offset=((merc-1)*sizeof(emp)); finout.seekp(offset,ios::beg); finout.write((char*) &empl,sizeof(emp)); break; case 2:if(!count) { gotoxy(20,20); cout<<" No record has been added yet!!!! plz run option 1 first!!!!"; cout<<"Press any key to continue........."; getch(); break; } cout<<"Modify which record"; cin>>merc; if( merc>count) { cout<<" Only "<>ans; if(ans=='y'||ans=='Y') { cout<<"Enter new details"; empl.mod_data(); finout.seekp(offset,ios::beg); finout.write((char*) &empl,sizeof(emp)); cout<<"Record modified!!!!!"; gotoxy(20,20); cout<<"Press any key to continue!!!!!!!!"; getch(); } break; } case 3: if(!count) { cout<<" No record has been added yet"; cout<<"Please run the optionm 1 first on the main screen"; gotoxy(10,20); cout<<"press any key to continue"; getch(); break; } cout<<" Display which record"; cin>>merc; cout<count) { cout<<" Only "<=1&& choice<=3); finout.close(); return 0; }