It evaluates the value of any polynomial of any degree, adds two poly and also multiplies them Code : /*evaluates, adds ,multiplies two polynomials p & f to evaluate poly of deg > 20 manipulate const in size */ #include using namespace std ; void polyadd(float*a,int dega,float*b,int degb,float*sum) {int i ; if(dega>=degb) {for (i=0;i<=dega;i++) sum[i]=a[i]+b[i] ;} if(degb >dega) {for(i=0;i<=degb;i++) sum[i]= a[i]+b[i] ; } } //******************************************** /*void polymult(float*a,int dega,float*b,int degb,float*mult) {int i,j; if(dega<=degb) for(i=0;i<=degb;i++) {for(j=0;j<=i;j++) mult[i]= mult[i] + a[j]*b[i-j] ; mult[i] = mult[i] +a[i+1]*b[i+1] ; } //mult[i] = mult[i] - a[0]*b[0] ; } if (degb>deg ; if(deg<0) cout<<"go learn ur textbook"<=0) { cout<<"give the value of the coefficients"<>a[j] ; cout<<"give the value x"<>x ; ans = power(a,deg,x); cout<<"the value of p("<>a[j]; */ cout<<" give in the degree of poly b"<>degb ; cout<<"enter the values of the coefficient of polynomialb"<>b[j] ; cout<<"give the value to be substituted in polynomialb"<>y ; ans = power(b,degb,y) ; cout<<"the value of f("<>decision ; if(decision =="a") { polyadd(a,dega,b,degb,sum); if (dega>=degb) {ans= power(sum,dega,x); cout<<"the answer after addition of p("<=degb) {ans= power(a,dega,x)*power(b,degb,y) ; //cout<<"the answer of multiplication"<dega) //{ ans = power(mult,degb,x) ; cout<<"the answer after multiplication of p("<