/*------------------ PSEUDORANDOM NUMBER GENERATION -------------------*/ /* THIS PROGRAM GENERATES A PSEUDORANDOM NUMBER USING STANDARD FUNCTIONS IN C. INPUTS : None OUTPUTS : Random numbers between 0 and 1. */ /*------------------------------ PROGRAM ---------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include void main() { double x; int k; char ch; clrscr(); printf("\n Computational Techniques - J. S. CHITODE"); printf("\n PSEUDORANDOM NUMBER GENERATION\n"); randomize(); /* INITIALIZATION OF PSEUDORANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR */ printf("\nThe sequence of pesudorandom numbers between 0 & 1 " "is displayed below.\nPress any key to continue and " "press 'q' to stop....\n\n"); k = 0; while(ch != 'q') { x = rand()/(RAND_MAX + 1.0); /* CALLING PSEUDORANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR */ printf("%lf ",x); k++; if(k == 6) { /* TO PRINT 6 PSEUDORANDOM NUMBERS ON ONE LINE */ printf("\n"); k = 0; } ch = getch(); } } /*------------------------- END OF PROGRAM ----------------------------*/