<% Private Function PrettyPath(ByVal sPath, ByVal hLen, ByVal bFile, ByVal bExtOnly) Dim elements, i, tmp, bLast, sElm, sDelim, chopsize Dim showfullfilename, showfileextension chopsize = hLen showfullfilename = bFile showfileextension = bExtOnly If IsNull(chopsize) Then chopsize = 3 If IsNull(showfullfilename) Then showfullfilename = False If IsNull(showfileextension) Then showfileextension = True bLast = False sDelim = "" If InStr(sPath, sDelim) = 0 Then sDelim = "/" elements = Split(sPath, sDelim) For i = 0 To UBound(elements) sElm = elements(i) If Len(sElm) > 5 Then If i = UBound(elements) Then If showfullfilename Then tmp = "" Exit For ElseIf showfileextension Then tmp = Right(sElm, Len(sElm) - _ InStrRev(sElm, ".")) bLast = True End If End If If chopsize > 0 Then elements(i) = Left(sElm, chopsize) & "..." Else elements(i) = "..." End If If showfileextension And bLast Then elements(i) = elements(i) & tmp End If End If Next PrettyPath = Join(elements, sDelim) End Function %>