<% Private Function GetShortPath(ByVal sPath) Dim re, fso, s, f Set re = New RegExp re.ignorecase = True 'determine whether or not this is a file re.pattern = ".([A-Zd]{1,5})$" Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'if it's a file, grab it. if it's a folder, grab it. If re.test(sPath) Then 'retrieve handle to the file Set f = fso.GetFile(sPath) Else 'retrieve handle to the folder Set f = fso.GetFolder(sPath) End If 'get the short path s = f.ShortPath 'free all object and handle references Set f = Nothing Set fso = Nothing Set re = Nothing 'return short path GetShortPath = s End Function %>