<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <%option Explicit Response.Buffer = True Dim strCookieName Dim strCookieValue ' Get the values passed in by the other ' script strCookieName = "MyOwnCookie" strCookieValue = "23" ' set the domain of the cookie to your o ' wn domain ' so it doesn't get confused with ' cookies created for Microsoft.com for ' example. Response.Cookies(strCookieName).Domain = ".MyDomain.com" 'set cookie value Response.Cookies(strCookieName) = strCookieValue 'set cookie expiration date 'note:set this to yesterday (or earlier) ' and you can 'delete the cookie! Response.Cookies(strCookieName).Expires = Date() + 1 %> The cookie <%= strCookieName%> Is = <%= Request.Cookies(strCookieName) %>