<% Dim ArrayIPLocalStart(2) Dim ArrayIPLocalEnd(2) Dim ArrayIPClient Dim IPClient Dim blnLocal Ipclient = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") Response.Write "Your IP is " & ipclient & "
" blnLocal = False ' These IP address are constant IP of a ' LAN ArrayIPLocalStart(0) = "" '"" ArrayIPLocalEnd(0) = "" '"" ArrayIPLocalStart(1) = "" '"" ArrayIPLocalEnd(1) = "" '"" ArrayIPLocalStart(2) = "" '"" ArrayIPLocalEnd(2) = "" '"" ArrayIPClient = Split(Ipclient,".") ' format the remote IP like constant LAN ' IP For i = LBound(ArrayIPClient) To UBound(ArrayIPClient) ArrayIPClient(i) = String(3-Len(ArrayIPClient(i) ),"0") & ArrayIPClient(i) Next IPClient = Join(ArrayIPClient,"") If Trim(ipclient) <> "" Then For i = LBound(ArrayIPLocalStart) To UBound(ArrayIPLocalStart) ArrayIPLocalStart(i) = Replace(ArrayIPLocalStart(i),".","") ArrayIPLocalEnd(i) = Replace(ArrayIPLocalEnd(i),".","") If IPClient >= ArrayIPLocalStart(i) And IPClient =< ArrayIPLocalEnd(i) Then blnLocal = True Exit For End If Next End If If blnLocal Then Response.Write " And your computer has a local IP" Else Response.Write " And your computer has a internet IP" End If %> <% Dim ArrayIPLocalStart(2) Dim ArrayIPLocalEnd(2) Dim ArrayIPClient Dim IPClient Dim blnLocal Ipclient = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") Response.Write "Your IP is " & ipclient & "
" blnLocal = False ' These IP address are constant IP of a ' LAN ArrayIPLocalStart(0) = "" '"" ArrayIPLocalEnd(0) = "" '"" ArrayIPLocalStart(1) = "" '"" ArrayIPLocalEnd(1) = "" '"" ArrayIPLocalStart(2) = "" '"" ArrayIPLocalEnd(2) = "" '"" ArrayIPClient = Split(Ipclient,".") ' format the remote IP like constant LAN ' IP For i = LBound(ArrayIPClient) To UBound(ArrayIPClient) ArrayIPClient(i) = String(3-Len(ArrayIPClient(i) ),"0") & ArrayIPClient(i) Next IPClient = Join(ArrayIPClient,"") If Trim(ipclient) <> "" Then For i = LBound(ArrayIPLocalStart) To UBound(ArrayIPLocalStart) ArrayIPLocalStart(i) = Replace(ArrayIPLocalStart(i),".","") ArrayIPLocalEnd(i) = Replace(ArrayIPLocalEnd(i),".","") If IPClient >= ArrayIPLocalStart(i) And IPClient =< ArrayIPLocalEnd(i) Then blnLocal = True Exit For End If Next End If If blnLocal Then Response.Write " And your computer has a local IP" Else Response.Write " And your computer has a internet IP" End If %>