Dim fs, fsmyfile, todayfile, ckdayfile, cr, qt 'Get name of file as it needs to be toda ' y todayfile="Cur"&CStr(Month(Date()))&CStr(Day(Date())) ckdayfile=""&CStr(Month(Date()))&CStr(Day(Date()))&"" todayfile=Trim(todayfile)&".asp" 'Create FileSystemObject Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'File may not be built On Error Resume Next 'Check to see if we already have the HTM ' L file Built Set fsmyfile = fs.OpenTextFile("c:inetpubscriptsaspjeff"+todayfile,1,0) If err<>0 Then 'Need To build today fsmyfile.Close 'Close File Set fsmyfile = fs.OpenTextFile("c:inetpubscriptsaspjeff"+todayfile,8,1,0) cr=Chr(13) 'Save some typing (I'm lazy) qt=Chr(34) 'The Only way I could Get the quote marks correct codeout="<%@ LANGUAGE=""VBSCRIPT"" %"&">"&cr codeout=codeout&"<%"&cr codeout=codeout&"today="&qt&CStr(Month(Date()))&CStr(Day(Date()))&qt&cr codeout=codeout&cr&"if today<>"&qt&ckdayfile&qt&" then"&cr codeout=codeout&"response.redirect("&qt&"wrtest.asp"&qt&")"&cr codeout=codeout&"else %"&">"&cr fsmyfile.Writeline(""&codeout&cr&_ ""&cr&_ "Write and Check Raw HTML For Speed"&cr&_ ""&cr&_ "Hello todays file is called "&todayfile&cr&_ ""&cr&_ ""&cr&_ "<"&"%End if"&cr&_ "%"&">") fsmyfile.close fs.close Response.Redirect(todayfile) 'Send them to new file Else fsmyfile.close fs.Close Response.Redirect(todayfile) 'Send them to current file End if%>