Sub ShowFileAtts(strFileName)
Dim objFSO , objFile
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strFileName)
If objFile.Attributes = 0 Then
Response.Write "No file attributes are set"
If objFile.Attributes AND 1 Then
Response.Write "File is read only
Response.Write "File isnt read only
End if
If objFile.Attributes AND 2 then
Response.Write "File is hidden
Response.Write "File is not a hidden type
End if
If objFile.Attributes AND 4 then
Response.Write " File is a system type
Response.Write "File is not a system type
End If
If objFIle.Attributes AND 8 then
Response.Write "File is a disk drive volume label
response.Write " File is not a disk drive volume label
End If
If objFile.Attributes AND 16 Then
Response.Write "the file is a directory
Response.Write "the file is not a directory
End If
If objFile.Attributes AND 32 Then
response.Write " the file needs to be archived
Response.Write "The file does not need to be archived
End If
If objFile.Attributes AND 64 Then
Response.Write "the file is a shortcut
Response.Write "the file is not a shortcut
End If
If objFile.Attributes AND 128 Then
Response.Write "the file is a compressed type
Response.Write "The file is not compressed
End If
End if
End Sub
Now call this like this
ShowFileAtts Server.MapPath("index.php")