<% tName=request.form("tableName")'the table on which to act if request.form("flag")="Delete" then if request.form("tableName").count >1 then 'delete from more then one table for each tabl in request.form("tableName")'for each table if request.form("cbdel").count >= 1 then'if records were marked for i = 1 to request.form("cbdel").count conn.execute"DELETE FROM "&tabl&" WHERE "&request.form("cbdel")(i)&" ;"'cbdel holds the 'where' clause of the sql 'response.write"DELETE FROM "&tabl&" WHERE "&request.form("cbdel")(i)&" ;" next end if next else 'delete from one table if request.form("cbdel").count >= 1 then'if records were marked for i = 1 to request.form("cbdel").count conn.execute"DELETE FROM "&tName&" WHERE "&request.form("cbdel")(i)&" ;" 'response.write"DELETE FROM "&tName&" WHERE "&request.form("cbdel")(i)&" ;" next end if end if end if 'of delete action %>