programming-examples/perl/String/Format Codes for the sprintf and printf

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2019-11-15 12:59:38 +01:00
Flag Description Example
Blank (default) Positive numbers begin with a blank. printf FH "% 04.2\n", $D;
Negative numbers begin with a minus sign.
Align characters to right.
Pad from left with blanks.
- Align characters to left. $V = sprintf "%-4.2",$D;
Pad from right with blanks.
+ Align characters to right. $V = sprintf "%+4.2", $D;
Pad from left with blanks.
c Character format
d Decimal format
e Exponential format
f Floating-point format
g Compact format
ld Long decimal format
lo Long octal format
lu Long unsigned decimal format
lx Long hexadecimal format
o Octal format
s String format
u Unsigned decimal format
x Hexadecimal format
X Uppercase hexadecimal format