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2019-11-15 12:59:38 +01:00
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
* This class is for defining triangulated images and for interpolation
* between two triangulated images with corresponding triangulations.
* @author Frank Klawonn
* Last change 31.05.2005
* @see MorphingCandS
public class TriangulatedImage
//The initial image.
BufferedImage bi;
//The points needed for the triangulation.
Point2D[] tPoints;
//The triangles defining the triangulation. Each row of the arrays contains
//indices of three points in the array tPoints. The i-th triangle of the
//triangulation is defined by the three points in array tPoints with the indices
//triangles[i][0], triangles[i][1], triangles[i][2].
int[][] triangles;
* A method that computes for a point v and three additional noncollinear points
* a representation of v as a linear combination of the three points. The three coefficents
* for the representation of v are returned.
* @param v point to be represented.
* @param triangle an array contain three noncollinear points.
* @return the three coefficients for the representation of v.
public static double[] triangleCoordinates(Point2D v, Point2D[] triangle)
//The array for the three coefficients.
double[] result = new double[3];
//Some values that are needed to solve the system of linear equations for
//determining the coefficients.
double d13x = triangle[0].getX() - triangle[2].getX();
double d23x = triangle[1].getX() - triangle[2].getX();
double dx3 = v.getX() - triangle[2].getX();
double d13y = triangle[0].getY() - triangle[2].getY();
double d23y = triangle[1].getY() - triangle[2].getY();
double dy3 = v.getY() - triangle[2].getY();
double delta = d13x*d23y - d23x*d13y;
//When the three points are (almost) collinear, division by zero is avoided and
//coefficients are returned which at least do not represent a convex combinaion.
//Otherwise the coefficients cannot be computed.
if (Math.abs(delta)<0.00000001)
result[0] = 10;
result[0] = (dx3*d23y - d23x*dy3)/delta;
result[1] = (d13x*dy3 - dx3*d13y)/delta;
result[2] = 1 - result[0] - result[1];
* Test, whether a given array of coefficienten represents a convex combination,
* i.e. it is checked, whether all elements in the array are between 0 and 1
* and whether they sum up to 1.
* @param t array with the coefficients.
* @return true if and only if the coefficients represent a convex combination.
public static boolean isConvexCombination(double[] t)
boolean result;
double sum;
//According to round-off errors, the coefficients will almost never sum up to 1 exactly.
//The following value specifies how much deviation from the exact value 1 is still considered
//as a convex combination.
double tolerance = 0.000001;
result = true;
sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<t.length; i++)
if (t[i]<0 || t[i]>1)
result = false;
sum = sum + t[i];
if (Math.abs(sum-1)>tolerance)
result = false;
* Generates and interpolated image from two triangulated images (this and ti).
* ti contribued to the interpolated image by alpha*100%. The two images must have the
* same size, the same number of points for the triangulation and the number of triangles.
* Furthermore, the triangles for both images must consist of the points with the same
* indices. Only the position of the points does need to coincide for the two images.
* @param ti second triangulated image.
* @param alpha proportion that ti should contribute to the interpolated image.
* @return the interpolated image.
public BufferedImage mixWith(TriangulatedImage ti, double alpha)
TriangulatedImage mix = new TriangulatedImage();
//Here the interpolated image will be stored. = new BufferedImage(,,
//Define the points for the triangulation points in the interpolated image as
//convex combinations of the corresponding points in the images to be
mix.tPoints = new Point2D[this.tPoints.length];
for (int i=0; i<mix.tPoints.length; i++)
mix.tPoints[i] = new Point2D.Double((1-alpha)*this.tPoints[i].getX()
+ alpha*ti.tPoints[i].getX(),
+ alpha*ti.tPoints[i].getY());
//The triangles for the triangulation must be defined using the same points (indices)
//as in the original images.
mix.triangles = this.triangles;
int rgbValueThis;
int rgbValueTi;
int rgbValueMix;
Color thisColour;
Color tiColour;
Color pixelColour;
int rMix;
int gMix;
int bMix;
int xInt;
int yInt;
double[] t = new double[3];
double aux;
Point2D[] threePoints = new Point2D[3];;
Point2D.Double pixel = new Point2D.Double();
int tNo;
boolean notFound;
//Determine for each pixel in the interpolated image the colour as a
//convex combination of the RGB-values of the corresponding pixels in the
//two images to be interpolated.
for (int i=0; i<; i++)
for (int j=0; j<; j++)
//For this pixel the colour must be determined.
//tNo is used to compute the index of the triangle in which the
//considered pixel lies.
tNo = 0;
//When the triangle has been found, notFound changes to false.
notFound = true;
while(tNo<mix.triangles.length && notFound)
//Determine the three points of the triangle no. tNo.
for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
threePoints[k] = mix.tPoints[mix.triangles[tNo][k]];
//Determine the coordinates of the pixels w.r.t. to the triangle no. tNo.
t = triangleCoordinates(pixel,threePoints);
//Check whether the pixel lies inside the triangle.
if (isConvexCombination(t))
notFound = false;
//The while-loop terminates when an index tNo of a triangle containing the
//pixel has been found or when no triangle containing the pixel has been found.
//If a triangle containing the pixel has been found, the colour for the pixel
//can be computed.
if (!notFound)
//Determine the x-coordinate of the pixel in the first image (this) as
//a convex combination of the vertices of the corresponding triangle.
aux = 0;
for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
aux = aux + t[k]*this.tPoints[this.triangles[tNo][k]].getX();
xInt = (int) Math.round(aux);
//We have to make sure that round-off errors will not lead to a pixel
//outside the image.
xInt = Math.max(0,xInt);
xInt = Math.min(,xInt);
//The same for the y-coordinate.
aux = 0;
for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
aux = aux + t[k]*this.tPoints[this.triangles[tNo][k]].getY();
yInt = (int) Math.round(aux);
yInt = Math.max(0,yInt);
yInt = Math.min(,yInt);
//Determine the colour of the pixel in the first image.
rgbValueThis =,yInt);
thisColour = new Color(rgbValueThis);
//Do the same as above for the second image ti.
aux = 0;
for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
aux = aux + t[k]*ti.tPoints[ti.triangles[tNo][k]].getX();
xInt = (int) Math.round(aux);
aux = 0;
for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
aux = aux + t[k]*ti.tPoints[ti.triangles[tNo][k]].getY();
yInt = (int) Math.round(aux);
rgbValueTi =,yInt);
tiColour = new Color(rgbValueTi);
//Now that we have the two colours, we can compute their
//convex combimation for the R-,G- and B-value.
//Problems caused by round-off errors are quite unlikely here.
rMix = (int) Math.round((1-alpha)*thisColour.getRed()+
gMix = (int) Math.round((1-alpha)*thisColour.getGreen()+
bMix = (int) Math.round((1-alpha)*thisColour.getBlue()+
//Generate the interpolated colour as a convex combination.
pixelColour = new Color(rMix, gMix, bMix);
//Use the interpolated colour to draw the pixel in the interpolated image,j,pixelColour.getRGB());
}//endif (!notFound)
}//endfor j
}//endfor i