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2019-11-15 12:59:38 +01:00
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.util.Date;
* An example for an animation based on convex combinations of two
* geometric transformations. An ellipse in the upper left corner of
* the window is transformed stepwise into another ellipse
* in the lower right corner of the window.
* @author Frank Klawonn
* Last change 21.01.2005
public class ConvexCombTransforms extends Frame
public ConvexCombTransforms()
//Enables the closing of the window.
addWindowListener(new MyFinishWindow());
public void paint(Graphics g)
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
//Use of antialiasing to have nicer lines.
int xul, yul, xwidth, yheight;
xul = 20; //x-coordinate for the definition of a bounding recatangle
//for an ellipse
yul = 40; //y-coordinate the definition of the rectangle
xwidth = 50; //Width of the rectangle
yheight = 20; //Height of the rectangle
//Generating an ellipse from the rectangle.
//This ellipse is used to construct the initial and the final ellipse.
Ellipse2D.Double elli = new Ellipse2D.Double(xul,yul,xwidth,yheight);
//Midpoint of the ellipse/rectangle
double xmid = xul+xwidth/2.0;
double ymid = yul+yheight/2.0;
//Transformation for constructing the initial ellipse.
AffineTransform initialTransform = new AffineTransform();
//The matrix for the transformation of the initial ellipse.
//The matrix is needed for the computation of the convex combinations.
double[] initialMatrix = new double[6];
//Transformation for constructing the final ellipse.
AffineTransform finalTransform = new AffineTransform();
//The matrix for the transformation of the final ellipse.
//The matrix is needed for the computation of the convex combinations.
double[] finalMatrix = new double[6];
//Number of steps/images/frames for the transformation of the
//initial into the final eellipse.
int steps = 200;
//The initial ellipse
Shape initialElli = initialTransform.createTransformedShape(elli);
//The final ellipse
Shape finalElli = finalTransform.createTransformedShape(elli);
//This shape is used for drawing the intermediate ellipses.
Shape s;
//This transformation is used for the convex combinations of the
//initial and the final transformations.
AffineTransform intermediateTransform;
double stepsDouble = steps; //Number of steps as a Double-value in order
//to avoid repeated casting in the loop.
for (int i=0; i<=steps; i++)
//Computation of the i-th convex combination.
intermediateTransform = new AffineTransform(
//Generate the intermediate ellipse.
s = intermediateTransform.createTransformedShape(elli);
//Wait a little bit before the next image (frame) is drawn.
//Clear the whole window.
//Draw the intermediate ellipse.
//Draw the initial ellipse in green.
//Draw the final ellipse in red.
* Conmputes the convex combination of two vectors/points (given as Java-ArraysC).
* @param a initial point
* @param b endpoint (must have the same length as the array a)
* @param alpha Proportion that the initial point contributes to the convex combination.
* soll. 0<=alpha<=1 must hold.
* @return The convex combination (1-alpha)*a + alpha*b of the two points.
public static double[] convexCombination(double[] a, double[] b, double alpha)
double[] result = new double[a.length];
for (int i=0; i<result.length; i++)
result[i] = (1-alpha)*a[i] + alpha*b[i];
* A method for clearing a window (drawing all white) of fixed size (600x300).
* @param g2d Graphics2D object used for drawing.
public static void clearWindow(Graphics2D g)
g.fill(new Rectangle(0,0,600,300));
* Computes a scaling with the scaling factors xs and ys
* w.r.t. the point/centre (x,y).
* @param x x-coordinate of the centre
* @param y y-coordinate of the centre
* @param xs scaling factor in x-direction
* @param ys scaling factor in y-direction
* @return The corresponding scaling
public static AffineTransform scalingWRTXY(double x, double y,
double xs, double ys)
AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
* A method for a delay of t milliseconds.
* This method is used here only to keep the program simple.
* This method involves active waiting, consuming unnecessary processor capicity.
* For real applications threads should be used.
* @param t Waiting time in milliseconds
public static void sustain(long t)
long finish = (new Date()).getTime() + t;
while( (new Date()).getTime() < finish ) {}
public static void main(String[] argv)
ConvexCombTransforms f = new ConvexCombTransforms();
f.setTitle("Animation via convex combinations of transformations");