programming-examples/c++/Others/FindMax.cpp - Function template FindMax (Figs 1.17 and 1.18).cpp

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2019-11-15 12:59:38 +01:00
FindMax.cpp - Function template FindMax (Figs 1.17 and 1.18)
#include <iostream.h>
#include "mystring.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "IntCell.h"
// Figures 1.17 and 1.18, but with illegalities commented out
* Return the maximum item in array a.
* Assumes a.size( ) > 0.
* Comparable objects must provide
* copy constructor, operator<, operator=
template <class Comparable>
const Comparable & findMax( const vector<Comparable> & a )
/* 1*/ int maxIndex = 0;
/* 2*/ for( int i = 1; i < a.size( ); i++ )
/* 3*/ if( a[ maxIndex ] < a[ i ] )
/* 4*/ maxIndex = i;
/* 5*/ return a[ maxIndex ];
int main( )
vector<int> v1( 37 );
vector<double> v2( 40 );
vector<string> v3( 80 );
// vector<IntCell> v4( 75 );
// Additional code to fill in the vectors
cout << findMax( v1 ) << endl; // OK: Comparable = int
cout << findMax( v2 ) << endl; // OK: Comparable = double
cout << findMax( v3 ) << endl; // OK: Comparable = string
// cout << findMax( v4 ) << endl; // Illegal; operator< undefined
return 0;