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5 years ago
atan2(Y,X) Returns the arctangent of Y/X.
cos EXPR Returns the cosine of EXPR in radians. If EXPR is omitted, takes cosine of $_.
exp EXPR Returns e to the power of EXPR. If EXPR is omitted, gives exp($_).
int EXPR Returns the integer portion of EXPR. If EXPR is omitted, uses $_.
log EXPR Returns logarithm (base e) of EXPR. If EXPR is omitted, returns log of $_.
rand EXPR
rand Returns a random fractional number between 0 and the value of EXPR.
If EXPR is omitted, returns a value between 0 and 1.
sin EXPR Returns the sine of EXPR in radians. If EXPR is omitted, returns sine of $_.
sqrt EXPR Return the square root of EXPR. If EXPR is omitted, returns square root of $_.
srand EXPR Sets the random number seed for the rand operator. If EXPR is omitted, does srand(time).