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5 years ago
def get(t, i):
return t[i + len(t) // 2]
def add(t, i, value):
i += len(t) // 2
t[i] += value
while i > 1:
t[i >> 1] = max(t[i], t[i ^ 1])
i >>= 1
def max_value(t, a, b):
res = float('-inf')
a += len(t) // 2
b += len(t) // 2
while a <= b:
if (a & 1) != 0:
res = max(res, t[a])
if (b & 1) == 0:
res = max(res, t[b])
a = (a + 1) >> 1
b = (b - 1) >> 1
return res
def test():
n = 10
t = [0] * (2 * n)
add(t, 0, 1)
add(t, 9, 2)
assert 2 == max_value(t, 0, 9)