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programming-examples/perl/Hash/Using array as the hash val...

41 lines
914 B

5 years ago
$string = "Here's a string.";
@array = (1, 2, 3);
%hash = ('fruit' => 'apples', 'vegetable' => 'corn');
sub printem
print shift;
$complex = {
string => $string,
number => 3.1415926,
array => [@array],
hash => {%hash},
arrayreference => \@array,
hashreference => \%hash,
sub => \&printem,
anonymoussub => sub {print shift;},
handle => \*STDOUT,
print $complex->{string}, "\n";
print $complex->{number}, "\n";
print $complex->{array}[0], "\n";
print $complex->{hash}{fruit}, "\n";
print ${$complex->{arrayreference}}[0], "\n";
print ${$complex->{hashreference}}{"fruit"}, "\n";
$complex->{sub}->("Subroutine call.\n");
$complex->{anonymoussub}->("Anonymous subroutine call.\n");
print {$complex->{handle}} "Text printed to a handle.", "\n";