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5 years ago
import edu.princeton.cs.introcs.StdOut;
* Compilation: javac
* Execution: java NFA regexp text
* Dependencies:
* % java NFA "(A*B|AC)D" AAAABD
* true
* % java NFA "(A*B|AC)D" AAAAC
* false
* % java NFA "(a|(bc)*d)*" abcbcd
* true
* % java NFA "(a|(bc)*d)*" abcbcbcdaaaabcbcdaaaddd
* true
* Remarks
* -----------
* - This version does not suport the + operator or multiway-or.
* - This version does not handle character classes,
* metacharacters (either in the text or pattern), capturing
* capabilities, greedy vs. relucantant modifier, and
* other features in industrial-strength implementations such
* as java.util.regexp.
public class NFA {
private Digraph G; // digraph of epsilon transitions
private String regexp; // regular expression
private int M; // number of characters in regular expression
// Create the NFA for the given RE
public NFA(String regexp) {
this.regexp = regexp;
M = regexp.length();
Stack<Integer> ops = new Stack<Integer>();
G = new Digraph(M+1);
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
int lp = i;
if (regexp.charAt(i) == '(' || regexp.charAt(i) == '|')
else if (regexp.charAt(i) == ')') {
int or = ops.pop();
// 2-way or operator
if (regexp.charAt(or) == '|') {
lp = ops.pop();
G.addEdge(lp, or+1);
G.addEdge(or, i);
else if (regexp.charAt(or) == '(')
lp = or;
else assert false;
// closure operator (uses 1-character lookahead)
if (i < M-1 && regexp.charAt(i+1) == '*') {
G.addEdge(lp, i+1);
G.addEdge(i+1, lp);
if (regexp.charAt(i) == '(' || regexp.charAt(i) == '*' || regexp.charAt(i) == ')')
G.addEdge(i, i+1);
// Does the NFA recognize txt?
public boolean recognizes(String txt) {
DirectedDFS dfs = new DirectedDFS(G, 0);
Bag<Integer> pc = new Bag<Integer>();
for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++)
if (dfs.marked(v)) pc.add(v);
// Compute possible NFA states for txt[i+1]
for (int i = 0; i < txt.length(); i++) {
Bag<Integer> match = new Bag<Integer>();
for (int v : pc) {
if (v == M) continue;
if ((regexp.charAt(v) == txt.charAt(i)) || regexp.charAt(v) == '.')
dfs = new DirectedDFS(G, match);
pc = new Bag<Integer>();
for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++)
if (dfs.marked(v)) pc.add(v);
// optimization if no states reachable
if (pc.size() == 0) return false;
// check for accept state
for (int v : pc)
if (v == M) return true;
return false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String regexp = "(" + args[0] + ")";
String txt = args[1];
if (txt.indexOf('|') >= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("| character in text is not supported");
NFA nfa = new NFA(regexp);