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5 years ago
import edu.princeton.cs.introcs.In;
import edu.princeton.cs.introcs.StdOut;
* Compilation: javac
* Execution: java Multiway input1.txt input2.txt input3.txt ...
* Dependencies:
* Merges together the sorted input stream given as command-line arguments
* into a single sorted output stream on standard output.
* % more m1.txt
* A B C F G I I Z
* % more m2.txt
* B D H P Q Q
* % more m3.txt
* A B E F J N
* % java Multiway m1.txt m2.txt m3.txt
* A A B B B C D E F F G H I I J N P Q Q Z
* The Multiway class provides a client for reading in several
* sorted text files and merging them together into a single sorted
* text stream.
* This implementation uses a {@link IndexMinPQ} to perform the multiway
* merge.
* For additional documentation, see <a href="">Section 2.4</a>
* of Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
* @author Robert Sedgewick
* @author Kevin Wayne
public class Multiway {
// This class should not be instantiated.
private Multiway() { }
// merge together the sorted input streams and write the sorted result to standard output
private static void merge(In[] streams) {
int N = streams.length;
IndexMinPQ<String> pq = new IndexMinPQ<String>(N);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
if (!streams[i].isEmpty())
pq.insert(i, streams[i].readString());
// Extract and print min and read next from its stream.
while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
StdOut.print(pq.minKey() + " ");
int i = pq.delMin();
if (!streams[i].isEmpty())
pq.insert(i, streams[i].readString());
* Reads sorted text files specified as command-line arguments;
* merges them together into a sorted output; and writes
* the results to standard output.
* Note: this client does not check that the input files are sorted.
public static void main(String[] args) {
int N = args.length;
In[] streams = new In[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
streams[i] = new In(args[i]);