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5 years ago
matrix.h - Simple matrix class
#ifndef MATRIX_H
#define MATRIX_H
#include "vector.h"
template <class Object>
class matrix
matrix( int rows, int cols ) : array( rows )
for( int i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
array[ i ].resize( cols );
matrix( const matrix & rhs ) : array( rhs.array ) { }
const vector<Object> & operator[]( int row ) const
{ return array[ row ]; }
vector<Object> & operator[]( int row )
{ return array[ row ]; }
int numrows( ) const
{ return array.size( ); }
int numcols( ) const
{ return numrows( ) ? array[ 0 ].size( ) : 0; }
vector< vector<Object> > array;