You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

28 lines
649 B

5 years ago
function selection_sort($data)
for($i=0; $i<count($data)-1; $i++) {
$min = $i;
for($j=$i+1; $j<count($data); $j++) {
if ($data[$j]<$data[$min]) {
$min = $j;
$data = swap_positions($data, $i, $min);
return $data;
function swap_positions($data1, $left, $right) {
$backup_old_data_right_value = $data1[$right];
$data1[$right] = $data1[$left];
$data1[$left] = $backup_old_data_right_value;
return $data1;
$my_array = array(3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1);
echo "Original Array :\n";
echo implode(', ',$my_array );
echo "\nSorted Array :\n";
echo implode(', ',selection_sort($my_array)). PHP_EOL;