You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

66 lines
1.7 KiB

5 years ago
use Tk;
require Tk::BrowseEntry;
$numWidgets = 1;
my (@packdirs) = ();
my (@anchordirs) = ();
my (@fill) = ();
my (@expand) = ();
$mw = MainWindow->new(-title => "This is the title");
$f = $mw->Frame(-borderwidth => 1,
-relief => 'groove')
->pack(-side => 'top',
-fill => 'x');
$top = $mw->Toplevel(-title => "output window");
my $addbutton = $f->Button(-text => "Add Widget",
-command => \&addwidget )->pack(-anchor => 'center');
foreach (0..$numWidgets) {
my $b = $top->Button(-text => $_ . ": $packdirs[$_]")->pack;
my %pinfo = $b->packInfo;
sub repack {
@w = $top->packSlaves;
foreach (@w) { $_->packForget; }
my $e = 0;
foreach (@w) {
$_->configure(-text => "$e: $packdirs[$e]");
$_->pack(-side => $packdirs[$e],
-fill => $fill[$e],
-expand => $expand[$e],
-anchor => $anchordirs[$e]);
sub addwidget {
my ($count) = @_;
if (! defined $count) {
$numWidgets ++;
$count = $numWidgets ;
$packdirs[$count] = 'top';
$anchordirs[$count] = 'center';
$fill[$count] = 'none';
$expand[$count] = 0;
my $f1 = $f->Frame->pack(-side => 'top', -expand => 1,
-fill =>'y', -before => $addbutton);
$f1->BrowseEntry(-label => "-fill", -choices => [qw/none x y both/],
-variable => \$fill[$count], -browsecmd => \&repack)
->pack(-ipady => 5, -side => 'left');
$top->Button(-text => $count . ": $packdirs[$count]",
-font => "Courier 20 bold")->pack(-side => $packdirs[$count],
-fill => $fill[$count], -expand => $expand[$count]);