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5 years ago
package Cat;
sub new{
my $class=shift;
my $dptr={};
bless($dptr, $class);
sub set_attributes{
my $self= shift;
$self->{"Owner"}="Mrs. Black";
sub get_attributes{
my $self = shift;
while(($key,$value)=each( %$self)){
print "$key is $value. \n";
package Dog;
sub new{
my $class=shift;
my $dptr={};
bless($dptr, $class);
sub set_attributes{
my $self= shift;
my($name, $owner, $breed)=@_;
sub get_attributes{
my $self = shift;
print "All about $self->{Name}\n";
while(($key,$value)= each( %$self)){
print "$key is $value.\n";
use Cat;
use Dog;
my $dogref = Dog->new;
my $catref= Cat->new;
$dogref->set_attributes("Tom", "Jack", "Mutt");