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5 years ago
Handling apache soap fault
package com.ack.webservices.soap;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.soap.Constants;
import org.apache.soap.Fault;
import org.apache.soap.rpc.Call;
import org.apache.soap.rpc.Parameter;
import org.apache.soap.rpc.Response;
public class HandlingApacheSoapFault {
public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception {
// soap service endpoint
URL url = new URL( "" );
Call call = new Call();
call.setEncodingStyleURI( Constants.NS_URI_SOAP_ENC );
call.setTargetObjectURI( "urn:xmethods-Temperatures" );
// try calling an invalid method
call.setMethodName( "nogetTemp" );
Vector params = new Vector();
params.addElement( new Parameter( "zipcode", String.class, "94041", null ) );
call.setParams( params );
Response resp = call.invoke( url, "" );
// and evaluate the response
if( resp.generatedFault() ) {
// get the SOAP fault and dump it out
Fault soapFault = resp.getFault();
System.out.println( soapFault );
// or peel out the parts of the SOAP fault one by one
System.out.println( "fault code: " + soapFault.getFaultCode() );
System.out.println( "fault string: " + soapFault.getFaultString() );
System.out.println( "fault details: " + soapFault.getDetailEntries() );
System.out.println( "fault actor: " + soapFault.getFaultActorURI() );
else {
// do something useful with your response