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5 years ago
/*This is a java program to find the maximum element using binary search technique.
Binary search requires sequence to be sorted. We return the last element of the sequence, which is maximum.*/
//This is a java program to find maximum element using Binary Search
import java.util.Random;
public class Maximum_Using_Binary
static int N = 20;
static int []sequence = new int[N];
public static void sort()
int i, j, temp;
for (i = 1; i< N; i++)
j = i;
temp = sequence[i];
while (j > 0 && temp < sequence[j-1])
sequence[j] = sequence[j-1];
j = j-1;
sequence[j] = temp;
public static void main(String args[])
Random random = new Random();
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
sequence[i] = Math.abs(random.nextInt(100));
System.out.println("The sequence is :");
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
System.out.print(sequence[i] + " ");
System.out.println("\nThe maximum element in the sequence is : " + sequence[N-1]);
The sequence is :
40 60 99 69 71 90 33 83 7 79 49 67 24 23 36 46 55 13 98 8
The miaximum element in the sequence is : 99