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5 years ago
/*This is a Java Program to implement hash tables with Quadratic Probing. A hash table (also hash map) is a data structure used to implement an associative array, a structure that can map keys to values. A hash table uses a hash function to compute an index into an array of buckets or slots, from which the correct value can be found. Quadratic probing is a probe sequence in which the interval between probes is increased by adding the successive outputs of a quadratic polynomial to the starting value given by the original hash computation.*/
* Java Program to implement Quadratic Probing Hash Table
import java.util.Scanner;
/** Class QuadraticProbingHashTable **/
class QuadraticProbingHashTable
private int currentSize, maxSize;
private String[] keys;
private String[] vals;
/** Constructor **/
public QuadraticProbingHashTable(int capacity)
currentSize = 0;
maxSize = capacity;
keys = new String[maxSize];
vals = new String[maxSize];
/** Function to clear hash table **/
public void makeEmpty()
currentSize = 0;
keys = new String[maxSize];
vals = new String[maxSize];
/** Function to get size of hash table **/
public int getSize()
return currentSize;
/** Function to check if hash table is full **/
public boolean isFull()
return currentSize == maxSize;
/** Function to check if hash table is empty **/
public boolean isEmpty()
return getSize() == 0;
/** Fucntion to check if hash table contains a key **/
public boolean contains(String key)
return get(key) != null;
/** Functiont to get hash code of a given key **/
private int hash(String key)
return key.hashCode() % maxSize;
/** Function to insert key-value pair **/
public void insert(String key, String val)
int tmp = hash(key);
int i = tmp, h = 1;
if (keys[i] == null)
keys[i] = key;
vals[i] = val;
if (keys[i].equals(key))
vals[i] = val;
i = (i + h * h++) % maxSize;
while (i != tmp);
/** Function to get value for a given key **/
public String get(String key)
int i = hash(key), h = 1;
while (keys[i] != null)
if (keys[i].equals(key))
return vals[i];
i = (i + h * h++) % maxSize;
System.out.println("i "+ i);
return null;
/** Function to remove key and its value **/
public void remove(String key)
if (!contains(key))
/** find position key and delete **/
int i = hash(key), h = 1;
while (!key.equals(keys[i]))
i = (i + h * h++) % maxSize;
keys[i] = vals[i] = null;
/** rehash all keys **/
for (i = (i + h * h++) % maxSize; keys[i] != null; i = (i + h * h++) % maxSize)
String tmp1 = keys[i], tmp2 = vals[i];
keys[i] = vals[i] = null;
insert(tmp1, tmp2);
/** Function to print HashTable **/
public void printHashTable()
System.out.println("\nHash Table: ");
for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++)
if (keys[i] != null)
System.out.println(keys[i] +" "+ vals[i]);
/** Class QuadraticProbingHashTableTest **/
public class QuadraticProbingHashTableTest
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Hash Table Test\n\n");
System.out.println("Enter size");
/** maxSizeake object of QuadraticProbingHashTable **/
QuadraticProbingHashTable qpht = new QuadraticProbingHashTable(scan.nextInt() );
char ch;
/** Perform QuadraticProbingHashTable operations **/
System.out.println("\nHash Table Operations\n");
System.out.println("1. insert ");
System.out.println("2. remove");
System.out.println("3. get");
System.out.println("4. clear");
System.out.println("5. size");
int choice = scan.nextInt();
switch (choice)
case 1 :
System.out.println("Enter key and value");
qpht.insert(, );
case 2 :
System.out.println("Enter key");
qpht.remove( );
case 3 :
System.out.println("Enter key");
System.out.println("Value = "+ qpht.get( ));
case 4 :
System.out.println("Hash Table Cleared\n");
case 5 :
System.out.println("Size = "+ qpht.getSize() );
default :
System.out.println("Wrong Entry \n ");
/** Display hash table **/
System.out.println("\nDo you want to continue (Type y or n) \n");
ch =;
while (ch == 'Y'|| ch == 'y');
Enter size
Hash Table Operations
1. insert
2. remove
3. get
4. clear
5. size
Enter key and value
N nitrogen y 1 O oxygen y 1 C carbon y 1 Cl chlorine y 1 Zn zinc
Hash Table:
N nitrogen
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Hash Table Operations
1. insert
2. remove
3. get
4. clear
5. size
Enter key and value
Hash Table:
N nitrogen
O oxygen
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Hash Table Operations
1. insert
2. remove
3. get
4. clear
5. size
Enter key and value
Hash Table:
C carbon
N nitrogen
O oxygen
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Hash Table Operations
1. insert
2. remove
3. get
4. clear
5. size
Enter key and value
Hash Table:
Cl chlorine
C carbon
N nitrogen
O oxygen
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Hash Table Operations
1. insert
2. remove
3. get
4. clear
5. size
Enter key and value
Hash Table:
Cl chlorine
Zn zinc
C carbon
N nitrogen
O oxygen
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Hash Table Operations
1. insert
2. remove
3. get
4. clear
5. size
Enter key
i 1
Hash Table:
Cl chlorine
C carbon
N nitrogen
O oxygen
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Hash Table Operations
1. insert
2. remove
3. get
4. clear
5. size
Enter key and value
Hash Table:
Cl chloro
C carbon
N nitrogen
O oxygen
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Hash Table Operations
1. insert
2. remove
3. get
4. clear
5. size
Enter key
Hash Table:
C carbon
N nitrogen
O oxygen
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Hash Table Operations
1. insert
2. remove
3. get
4. clear
5. size
Size = 3
Hash Table:
C carbon
N nitrogen
O oxygen
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Hash Table Operations
1. insert
2. remove
3. get
4. clear
5. size
Hash Table Cleared
Hash Table:
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)
Hash Table Operations
1. insert
2. remove
3. get
4. clear
5. size
Size = 0
Hash Table:
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)