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5 years ago
package com.jwetherell.algorithms.data_structures;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* An AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree, and it was the first such
* data structure to be invented. In an AVL tree, the heights of the two child
* subtrees of any node differ by at most one. AVL trees are often compared with
* red-black trees because they support the same set of operations and because
* red-black trees also take O(log n) time for the basic operations. Because AVL
* trees are more rigidly balanced, they are faster than red-black trees for
* lookup intensive applications. However, red-black trees are faster for
* insertion and removal.
* @author Justin Wetherell <>
public class AVLTree<T extends Comparable<T>> extends BinarySearchTree<T> {
private enum Balance {
* Default constructor.
public AVLTree() {
this.creator = new BinarySearchTree.INodeCreator<T>() {
* {@inheritDoc}
public BinarySearchTree.Node<T> createNewNode(BinarySearchTree.Node<T> parent, T id) {
return (new AVLNode<T>(parent, id));
* Constructor with external Node creator.
public AVLTree(INodeCreator<T> creator) {
* {@inheritDoc}
protected Node<T> addValue(T id) {
Node<T> nodeToReturn = super.addValue(id);
AVLNode<T> nodeAdded = (AVLNode<T>) nodeToReturn;
nodeAdded = (AVLNode<T>) nodeAdded.parent;
while (nodeAdded != null) {
int h1 = nodeAdded.height;
// If height before and after balance is the same, stop going up the tree
int h2 = nodeAdded.height;
if (h1==h2)
nodeAdded = (AVLNode<T>) nodeAdded.parent;
return nodeToReturn;
* Balance the tree according to the AVL post-insert algorithm.
* @param node
* Root of tree to balance.
private void balanceAfterInsert(AVLNode<T> node) {
int balanceFactor = node.getBalanceFactor();
if (balanceFactor > 1 || balanceFactor < -1) {
AVLNode<T> child = null;
Balance balance = null;
if (balanceFactor < 0) {
child = (AVLNode<T>) node.lesser;
balanceFactor = child.getBalanceFactor();
if (balanceFactor < 0)
balance = Balance.LEFT_LEFT;
balance = Balance.LEFT_RIGHT;
} else {
child = (AVLNode<T>) node.greater;
balanceFactor = child.getBalanceFactor();
if (balanceFactor < 0)
balance = Balance.RIGHT_LEFT;
balance = Balance.RIGHT_RIGHT;
if (balance == Balance.LEFT_RIGHT) {
// Left-Right (Left rotation, right rotation)
} else if (balance == Balance.RIGHT_LEFT) {
// Right-Left (Right rotation, left rotation)
} else if (balance == Balance.LEFT_LEFT) {
// Left-Left (Right rotation)
} else {
// Right-Right (Left rotation)
* {@inheritDoc}
protected Node<T> removeValue(T value) {
// Find node to remove
Node<T> nodeToRemoved = this.getNode(value);
if (nodeToRemoved==null)
return null;
// Find the replacement node
Node<T> replacementNode = this.getReplacementNode(nodeToRemoved);
// Find the parent of the replacement node to re-factor the height/balance of the tree
AVLNode<T> nodeToRefactor = null;
if (replacementNode != null)
nodeToRefactor = (AVLNode<T>) replacementNode.parent;
if (nodeToRefactor == null)
nodeToRefactor = (AVLNode<T>) nodeToRemoved.parent;
if (nodeToRefactor != null && nodeToRefactor == nodeToRemoved)
nodeToRefactor = (AVLNode<T>) replacementNode;
// Replace the node
replaceNodeWithNode(nodeToRemoved, replacementNode);
// Re-balance the tree all the way up the tree
while (nodeToRefactor != null) {
nodeToRefactor = (AVLNode<T>) nodeToRefactor.parent;
return nodeToRemoved;
* Balance the tree according to the AVL post-delete algorithm.
* @param node
* Root of tree to balance.
private void balanceAfterDelete(AVLNode<T> node) {
int balanceFactor = node.getBalanceFactor();
if (balanceFactor == -2 || balanceFactor == 2) {
if (balanceFactor == -2) {
AVLNode<T> ll = (AVLNode<T>) node.lesser.lesser;
int lesser = (ll != null) ? ll.height : 0;
AVLNode<T> lr = (AVLNode<T>) node.lesser.greater;
int greater = (lr != null) ? lr.height : 0;
if (lesser >= greater) {
if (node.parent != null)
((AVLNode<T>) node.parent).updateHeight();
} else {
AVLNode<T> p = (AVLNode<T>) node.parent;
if (p.lesser != null)
((AVLNode<T>) p.lesser).updateHeight();
if (p.greater != null)
((AVLNode<T>) p.greater).updateHeight();
} else if (balanceFactor == 2) {
AVLNode<T> rr = (AVLNode<T>) node.greater.greater;
int greater = (rr != null) ? rr.height : 0;
AVLNode<T> rl = (AVLNode<T>) node.greater.lesser;
int lesser = (rl != null) ? rl.height : 0;
if (greater >= lesser) {
if (node.parent != null)
((AVLNode<T>) node.parent).updateHeight();
} else {
AVLNode<T> p = (AVLNode<T>) node.parent;
if (p.lesser != null)
((AVLNode<T>) p.lesser).updateHeight();
if (p.greater != null)
((AVLNode<T>) p.greater).updateHeight();
* {@inheritDoc}
protected boolean validateNode(Node<T> node) {
boolean bst = super.validateNode(node);
if (!bst)
return false;
AVLNode<T> avlNode = (AVLNode<T>) node;
int balanceFactor = avlNode.getBalanceFactor();
if (balanceFactor > 1 || balanceFactor < -1) {
return false;
if (avlNode.isLeaf()) {
if (avlNode.height != 1)
return false;
} else {
AVLNode<T> avlNodeLesser = (AVLNode<T>) avlNode.lesser;
int lesserHeight = 1;
if (avlNodeLesser != null)
lesserHeight = avlNodeLesser.height;
AVLNode<T> avlNodeGreater = (AVLNode<T>) avlNode.greater;
int greaterHeight = 1;
if (avlNodeGreater != null)
greaterHeight = avlNodeGreater.height;
if (avlNode.height == (lesserHeight + 1) || avlNode.height == (greaterHeight + 1))
return true;
return false;
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString() {
return AVLTreePrinter.getString(this);
protected static class AVLNode<T extends Comparable<T>> extends Node<T> {
protected int height = 1;
* Constructor for an AVL node
* @param parent
* Parent of the node in the tree, can be NULL.
* @param value
* Value of the node in the tree.
protected AVLNode(Node<T> parent, T value) {
super(parent, value);
* Determines is this node is a leaf (has no children).
* @return True if this node is a leaf.
protected boolean isLeaf() {
return ((lesser == null) && (greater == null));
* Updates the height of this node based on it's children.
protected int updateHeight() {
int lesserHeight = 0;
if (lesser != null) {
AVLNode<T> lesserAVLNode = (AVLNode<T>) lesser;
lesserHeight = lesserAVLNode.height;
int greaterHeight = 0;
if (greater != null) {
AVLNode<T> greaterAVLNode = (AVLNode<T>) greater;
greaterHeight = greaterAVLNode.height;
if (lesserHeight > greaterHeight) {
height = lesserHeight + 1;
} else {
height = greaterHeight + 1;
return height;
* Get the balance factor for this node.
* @return An integer representing the balance factor for this node. It
* will be negative if the lesser branch is longer than the
* greater branch.
protected int getBalanceFactor() {
int lesserHeight = 0;
if (lesser != null) {
AVLNode<T> lesserAVLNode = (AVLNode<T>) lesser;
lesserHeight = lesserAVLNode.height;
int greaterHeight = 0;
if (greater != null) {
AVLNode<T> greaterAVLNode = (AVLNode<T>) greater;
greaterHeight = greaterAVLNode.height;
return greaterHeight - lesserHeight;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString() {
return "value=" + id + " height=" + height + " parent=" + ((parent != null) ? : "NULL")
+ " lesser=" + ((lesser != null) ? : "NULL") + " greater="
+ ((greater != null) ? : "NULL");
protected static class AVLTreePrinter {
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> String getString(AVLTree<T> tree) {
if (tree.root == null)
return "Tree has no nodes.";
return getString((AVLNode<T>) tree.root, "", true);
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> String getString(AVLNode<T> node) {
if (node == null)
return "Sub-tree has no nodes.";
return getString(node, "", true);
private static <T extends Comparable<T>> String getString(AVLNode<T> node, String prefix, boolean isTail) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(prefix + (isTail ? "└── " : "├── ") + "(" + node.height + ") " + + "\n");
List<Node<T>> children = null;
if (node.lesser != null || node.greater != null) {
children = new ArrayList<Node<T>>(2);
if (node.lesser != null)
if (node.greater != null)
if (children != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < children.size() - 1; i++) {
builder.append(getString((AVLNode<T>) children.get(i), prefix + (isTail ? " " : "│ "), false));
if (children.size() >= 1) {
builder.append(getString((AVLNode<T>) children.get(children.size() - 1), prefix + (isTail ? " " : "│ "), true));
return builder.toString();