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5 years ago
* C++ Program to Count Inversion in an Array
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int mSort(int arr[], int temp[], int left, int right);
int merge(int arr[], int temp[], int left, int mid, int right);
* calls mSort
int mergeSort(int arr[], int array_size)
int *temp = new int [array_size];
return mSort(arr, temp, 0, array_size - 1);
* sorts the input array and returns the number of inversions in the array.
int mSort(int arr[], int temp[], int left, int right)
int mid, inv_count = 0;
if (right > left)
mid = (right + left)/2;
inv_count = mSort(arr, temp, left, mid);
inv_count += mSort(arr, temp, mid+1, right);
inv_count += merge(arr, temp, left, mid+1, right);
return inv_count;
* merges two sorted arrays and returns inversion count in the arrays.
int merge(int arr[], int temp[], int left, int mid, int right)
int i, j, k;
int inv_count = 0;
i = left;
j = mid;
k = left;
while ((i <= mid - 1) && (j <= right))
if (arr[i] <= arr[j])
temp[k++] = arr[i++];
temp[k++] = arr[j++];
inv_count = inv_count + (mid - i);
while (i <= mid - 1)
temp[k++] = arr[i++];
while (j <= right)
temp[k++] = arr[j++];
for (i = left; i <= right; i++)
arr[i] = temp[i];
return inv_count;
* Main
int main()
int arr[] = {1, 20, 6, 4, 5};
cout<<"Number of inversions are "<<mergeSort(arr, 5)<<endl;
return 0;
Number of inversions are 5
(program exited with code: 1)
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