programming-examples/asp/Others/ASP bar chart.asp

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2019-11-18 14:25:58 +01:00
<BASEfont FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2>
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#header, .menu, .header, #adbar, DIV#jumpbar, #navbar {display: none}
/* remove position of contents */#why {position: static; width: auto}
/* cleanup all the colors */#why H3, PRE, FONT {color: black}
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DIV#why P.copyright {color: black; font: 10pt verdana}
/* display the Print header */#printMessage {display: block} </STYLE>
Dim totals(30)
Dim Names(30)
StatIndex = -1
<FORM ACTION="Inboundstats.asp" METHOD="POST" NAME="Inboundstats">
On Error Resume Next
' Purpose: To generate random colors
Function rndcolor()
Dim LightDarkRange
LightDarkRange = 150
forered = Int(Rnd * LightDarkRange)
foregreen = Int(Rnd * LightDarkRange)
foreblue = Int(Rnd * LightDarkRange)
color = "#" & CStr(Hex(RGB(forered, foregreen, foreblue)))
End Function
<TABLE border="0">
<TD align="left"><Img src="../../images/ac204.gif"></CENTER></TD>
<TD align=center></TD>
<TD align="center"><H1><FONT color=blue>Inbound Calls </FONT><H1></TD>
<TABLE border="1">
For I = 0 To 20
vol = Int(chartinfo(I))
label = Int(chartinfo(I))
<TD align="center">
<TD height="<% response.write vol %>" bgcolor="<% response.write rndcolor() %>" align="bottom">
<B><FONT color="#FFFFFF"><% Response.Write label %></B>
For i = 0 To StatIndex
<%if totals(i) > 0 Then%>
<TD><FONT face="Small Fonts" size=1 color="blue"><STRONG> <%response.write names(i)%> <STRONG><FONT></TD>
<%end if%>