programming-examples/asp/Miscellaneous/Disk Space Usage.asp

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2019-11-18 14:25:58 +01:00
<TITLE>New Page 1</TITLE>
'Capture the name of the page as well as
' directory structure <BR>
'Split the directory tree into an arry b
' y /<BR>
' Sets the number of directory levels do
' wn<BR>
<BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><BR>
<TABLE align="center"><BR>
<TD width=150><BR>
<TD width=150><BR>
<TD width=150><BR>
<TD width=150><BR>
' Create a file system object to read al
' l the directories<BR>
' beneath the current directory split_na
' me(num_directory)<BR>
' You can hard code the directory name i
' f you like<BR>
Set directory=Server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")<BR>
Set allfiles=directory.getfolder(Server.MapPath("../"& split_name(num_directory)& "/"))<BR>
' Lists all the files found in the direc
' tory<BR>
For Each directory In allFiles.subfolders<BR>
' Removes certain MSFrontPage was direct
' ories <BR>
If Right(directory.Name,3) <> "cnf" Then <BR>
'Adds the folder sizes up for a total<
' ;BR>
total_size=total_size + directory.size %><BR>
<TD width=150><BR>
<%= %><BR>
<TD width=150><%= FormatNumber((directory.size/1024/1024),2) %></TD><BR>
<TD width=150><%= FormatNumber((directory.size/1024),0) %></TD> <BR>
<TD width=150><%= FormatNumber(directory.size,0) %></TD> <BR>
<% End If 'end check For FrontPage directories <BR>
Next 'end of the For next Loop %><BR>
<TD width=150><B>Total</B></TD><BR>
<TD width=150><%= FormatNumber((total_size/1024/1024),2) %></TD><BR>
<TD width=150><%= FormatNumber((total_size/1024),0) %></TD> <BR>
<TD width=150><%= FormatNumber(total_size,0) %></TD> <BR>